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I woke up to the sound of Kids by MGMT.

I felt around, snatching my phone off the nightstand. I clicked it off, falling back down into the pillows. I groaned, rubbing my hand into my eyes. It was ungodly early. Who would have thought being in the music industry would have required getting up early? It seemed kind of ironic to me. I yawned, stretching under the blankets before I kicked them off. I slowly climbed out of bed, making my way into the bathroom. I shed my t-shirt and climbed into the shower. I felt myself beginning to wake up as the warm water poured over my skin. I finished up, wrapping a towel around me before I went to search for clothes. I found that my wardrobe was made severely outdated by being in Lechston.

I sighed, just picking something at random. When I was finished getting dressed I piled my hair onto my head. It wasn’t the most attractive I have ever been but it would have to do. I made my way into the kitchen. I needed coffee. I couldn’t function without it. I poured a cup, mixing some sugar and creamer in with it. Now I could head to the address Andrew had emailed to me. I threw my bag over my shoulder and headed for the door.

I found the lobby was nearly empty as I stepped out of the elevator. They were probably all sleeping like I wished I was. I waved at the concierge before pushing out the door. I found a limo waiting for me as I stepped into the street. I guess I would be riding in style again today. I had assumed it was only because Andrew had accompanied me. I slid into the back, getting comfortable. Maybe I could get a few seconds in before we arrived. I closed my eyes and felt the car pulling out into the street. The ride progressed faster than I thought. I felt like I had only been asleep a few minutes before we were stopping again. I signed, climbing out of the car again.

I stood in front of a building that was slightly smaller than the others in this city. I walked into the building and was instantly greeted by a tall woman with perfectly combed blonde hair. “You must be Piper Evans. Follow me,” she said as she turned on her heel. Her heels clacked across the floor as she quickly walked down a hallway. I scrambled to catch up with her. “You will wait here. Oliver will be with you soon.” With that she left me, hurrying off down the hall. I sighed, walking into the room. I collapsed into a chair, waiting. I had only been sitting a few minutes when a small man rushed into the room. He was a ball of energy as he rushed around me.

“Oliver?” I asked, standing up.

He flicked his fingers towards a chair that sat in front of a mirror. I interpreted it to mean he wanted me there. I climbed into the seat. The next hour flashed by as Oliver rushed around me. He was a flurry of scissors and hairspray. By the time he was finished I couldn’t believe it was once my hair. He had managed to straighten the tangle of curls and turn them into perfect glossy locks. I didn’t have time to admire it before Oliver was pushing me out of the chair and into the hallway. I stumbled forward as another woman accosted me.

“This way,” she said.

She led me into yet another room. This one look almost identical to the one I had been in a few minutes ago. “Sit, please. I’m going to do your make up,” she said as she started to lay out several products. It only took a second before she was circling around me, caking make up on my face. “You have great skin—the color is lovely. You also have the most remarkable eyes.” She flashed me a smile as she dipped a brush into black eye shadow. She ran the brush along my upper eyelid. Several minutes passed before she stepped back, smiling down at me. She clapped her hands together. “Done!” I looked into the mirror. I was surprised by what I found there. She had managed to make my eyes smolder with the dark smoky shadow. My lips were lined with a nude gloss and my skin was buffed to perfection. She had managed to give it an airbrushed quality.

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