Twenty Eight

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"Thats what you're wearing?"

I stared at myself in the mirror, looking over the dress I had picked out. It was a simple black satin dress the fell to my mid-thigh. I thought it was beautiful without over complicating anything. "Yeah, do you like it?" I asked her, glancing at her outfit. It was a form fitting leather dress with a loose sheer bodice. It showcased her tattoos perfectly. I guess in comparison mine was less impressive.

"It's classy," she said.

I flashed her a smile, turning back towards the mirror. I started playing with my hair, deciding what I wanted to do. I pulled it up into a messy loose bun on my head, braiding a piece into it. Harper squeezed in next to me. I scooted, making room for her to look in the mirror too. Once I was satisfied with my hair I started on my make up. I choose a wine color for my lips, rubbing it on. I finished it up and grabbed my liquid eyeliner. I ran a thick black line from the edges of my lashes, forming cat eyes.

I moved away from the mirror, grabbing my clutch from the bed. I threw my phone in. Just as I turned to ask Harper if she was ready a voice sounded from the hallway along with the slam of the door. "Ladies! Ladies!" Reed said as he sauntered into the room. He was decked out in a black suit with the shirt unbuttoned slightly. Beside him Callum was dressed immaculately, looking like a true British gentleman. "Aren't you two just the picture of loveliness?"

"You don't look too bad yourself, Reed," Harper said.

He laughed. "I always look good."

"Confidence never hurt anyone."

I rolled my eyes. "Reed has a little too much," I said.

Callum looped his arm around Harper, leading her out of the room. I hurried out after them with Reed trailing behind me. The limo was idling outside for us when we stepped out of the hotel. I slipped in after Callum and Harper. No sooner than we had pulled away from the curb Callum was popping open the champagne. "No reason to wait, right?" he said with a smile. He poured us each a glass. "To Piper's album!" We toasted again, and then I tossed back my champagne. Reed fiddled with the radio and we spent the rest of the ride to Pandemonium.

I had never had the opportunity to go to Pandemonium since I arrived in Lechston. It was much sleeker than Bedlam had been. It used to be an old theatre. It still had the old sign out in the front with the classic bulb lights. As we pulled up there was a roped off section the press was behind. As they caught sight of our limo they went into a frenzy. "Here goes," Callum said as he got out. He offered his hand to Harper, pulling her out after him. I watched from where I was in the car as they laughed and answered the questions the press yelled at them.

My heart beat erratically as I thought of stepping out into that. Reed winked at me before he also climbed out of the limo. He turned around, offering his hand to help me out. I took a deep breath, preparing myself and then I took it. I let him pull me from the car. As soon as I stepped out I was blinded by the flash of cameras. The noise was almost deafening. Report cried, trying to get our attention as they threw out question after question. Reed looped his arm around me, resting his hand on my waist. "Just smile," he whisper against my ear.

I took his advice, putting on my best smile. We stopped, letting the press get a couple good pictures before we started towards the door. As we stepped through the door I was amazed at how many people were there. I was instantly greeted by Andrew who had Cassidy in tow. He was dressed in a pristine suit and Cassidy was in a lacy white dress. She smiled when she saw me, waving. "It's finally here, Piper!" she said excitedly. "How do you feel about it?"

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