Thirty Eight

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I let out a sigh, watching as the Muck-Ups played the crowd. They just loved them. I should have been every bit as excited as the people in the audience, but I just could get myself excited about it. And it was all because of one thing. I had been eyeing the calender for days now, watching as the date came closer and closer. The years before it had never caused this sort of anxiety before. Now though everything was different. It felt less like a celebration when you didn't have anyone to celebrate with.

I watched Reed as he finished the song, wiping a hand across his forehead. He stepped up to the microphone. "Tonight is a special night," he announced to the audience. "Not just because I get to play to all you wonderful people, but because today a very good friend of mine is a year older. So I was thinking we could all sing to her!" He glanced over his shoulder, looking back at me. He flashed me a smile, gesturing for me to come on. I stared at him horrified. What was he thinking? There was no way I was coming out there.

It seemed, however, that I wasn't being given an option. I tried to turn and leave, but as I spun around I came face to face with Love & Squalor. Callum flicked his fingers at the stage. "Now now, doll," he said as if he was scolding a child. "We can't leave the crowd in suspense." I frowned, crossing my arms over my chest. If there was something I hadn't wanted for my birthday it was definitely this. Callum lead me onto stage with his hand on my lower back. I stepped into the light next to Reed. I smiled like I was just so surprised to the audience, and then I turned to Reed giving him a look.

"Careful. Your face might stick like that."

"You're an asshole," I grumbled.

"And that's why you adore me, right?"

Reed faced the audience once again, rallying them. "Now all together," he said, gesturing out towards the crowd. And then everyone was singing—every member of the Muck-Ups, every member of Love & Squalor, and everyone in the audience. And despite how uncomfortable I was to be called out onto stage like that—it was truly amazing. It really took a great performer to be able to incorporate the entire audience. I smiled, laughing when Reed threw an arm around me. And in that second I didn't feel quite so alone.

♪        ♫        ♪

Sometimes I was amazed at just how quickly things could change.

One minute everything might be perfect, and then the next every possible bad thing happens to you. But it never stays that way. Just as quickly as it turns bad it flips around again, leaving everything beautifully together. And this was how I felt. The last few weeks—hell, the last few months—hadn't exactly been the best times for me. It had seemed that nothing was going good for me. I felt like everyone I knew was falling away from me, and they still were. I wasn't naive enough to think they weren't. But I also realized that I had other people who were there for me. Tonight helped me see it.

After the show I had made my way back to the hotel we were staying at. I had hoped that maybe I would get a call from mom or maybe Rhett. As I was going through my phone I heard a knock at the door. I tossed my phone aside, crossing the room to pull the door open. As soon as it unlocked I was pushed aside as the boys piled into the room. I glanced around at them. "Uh, what's going on, guys?" I asked them as I took in their appearance.

Reed pushed aside Toad, smiling at me. He held up a bottle of Jagermeister and then Red Bull in the other. "We couldn't get you a cake," he said, "so we got you booze instead." I laughed as Reed started making a drink for me. He pushed it into my hand. "We got to start the night off right. You only turn nineteen once, Piper! And we plan to make sure you do it right." We started off with a couple drinks at the hotel before we decided to head into the city.

The boys trailed out of the room, making their way down the hall. I let them go on ahead as I grabbed my phone and a jacket. I checked my phone. Still no messages. I sighed, putting my phone away. They probably wouldn't call. Why would they? It wasn't like I was their favorite person in the world right now. I pushed the thought away. It wouldn't do any good to stress over it. As I slipped my jacket on I found Callum waiting. He smiled at me. "Do you feel any older, doll?" he asked as he pushed off the wall, crossing the room to stand beside me. He looked like he has started his night a little earlier than everyone else. And he probably had.

"Not really," I answered.

"I got you something."

"What is it?" I asked.

He pulled a bag out of his pocket. It was filled with pills. They didn't appear to be the same as the ones from the night before. He flashed me a smile, wiggling them in my face. "Want to take some with me?" he asked as he started opening the bag. He grabbed a couple. "These won't make you go and go like the ones on New Year's, but these will make you feel pretty good." He popped a couple like he was eating candy. I stared at them. They looked nearly as innocent as the E we had taken on New Year's. It was anything hard.

Eventually, I nodded. He snapped his fingers, pointing at me. "I knew you'd want to. We will have every bit as much fun as we did New Year's," he assured me. I took the pills he offered, popping them into my mouth. "Only this time we won't loose my car." He shoved the bag back into his pocket, wrapping his arm around me. And then he led me out of the room, and down the hall to catch up with the guys. We grabbed a cab and made our way deeper into the city.  By the time we made it to our destination I didn't even care that my phone still read no messages.

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