Twenty Five

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I slipped out of back door of the concert hall, closing it behind me. The cool air struck me, stealing my breath for a second. I leaned against the wall, listening to the faint sound of the city around me. Riverview was never alive like this. It died early when everything was just happening. Things never stopped in cities like this, in cities like Lechston. That's what I loved so much about it. I could never go back to the way things used to be. It wouldn't feel right anymore. I wouldn't even know what to do.

"Sneaking around, huh?"

I jumped, my eyes searching for where I had heard the voice. They eventually found Reed who was perched on the railing near the door. I hadn't even seen him when I had walked out. He had a cigarette hanging from his mouth, a classic look for him. He almost was never without one. He wiggled his pack in my face. I shook my head, pushing it away from me. "What are you doing out here? If anyone is sneaking its you," I said.

He laughed, slipping his cigarette pack back into his leather jacket. He took a drag of the cigarette, blowing it out slowly. "I have a purpose. I'm smoking," he pointed out with a nod towards his cigarette. He pointed at me. "You, on the other hand, do not. You're just lurking in the dark, which is mighty suspicious. I find myself a little unsure of you right now. Maybe I don't know you at all."

"Shut up," I said, exasperated.

"Let's get out of here."

"I looked up at him. "What?"

He sighed, taking one last drag of his cigarette. He slipped off of the railing, throwing the butt onto the ground. He smashed it out with the toe of his shoe. "I said, 'let's get out of here.' Like away from this place and go out," he told me. "I'm bored. I could go for some fun, and a drink. What do you say?" Normally, I would have turned him down but it actually didn't sound so bad to me. Reed was fun to be around—most the time. I even kind of liked him sometimes.

I smiled at him. "I could work you into my busy schedule," I teased. He flashed my a smile in return, rolling his eyes. He started walking down the stairs and out of the alley. I hurried to catch up with him. I definitely didn't want to be left hanging around in the alley by myself. "So where are we going? A dive bar or maybe a nightclub?" He grabbed my wrist, dragging me across the street behind him.

"Bah, nightclubs," he said.

I laughed. "A dive bar then?"

He snapped his fingers. "Exactly," he answered me. He glanced over at me. "That's where the real fun is. Nightclubs get too full of the wrong kind of people. Plus, the music is just terrible. Don't you think so?" I couldn't disagree there. Last time I had went to a club I had, had fun but the music was awful. "Ah, here we are." He pulled me in the door after him. The room was smoky and dimly lit. It was busier than I thought it would be. The Sandbar in Riverview was always near empty. He slid onto a barstool, slapping his hand down on the one next to him.

I climbed up on it, tapping my fingers against the rough wood surface of the bar. Reed waved the bartender down. "Two shot glasses and some Jack," he told the bartender. The bartender looked at us with uncertainly but eventually passed us what we wanted. I was happy that Reed hadn't ordered Scotch. That seemed to be one of his favorites but I couldn't gag it. He poured two shots, passing one to me. "Down the hole!" He tipped his head back, shooting the glass. I followed suit, wincing at the strong taste. "Another!"

And then another and another.

The then the next thing I remember is laughing as we stumbled down the street together. Reed had been telling a story, but my mind was too fuzzy to process it. I remember it being hilarious, but I wondered if that was more to do with me being drunk and less to do with it actually being funny. And that's when I heard it—the unmistakable sound of a cop car and then the blue and red lights flashing. I looked at Reed, my eyes widening as the cop walked up to us. Reed winked at me, and then he started singing. "Breakin' rock in the hot sun. I fought the law and the law won. I fought the law and the law won. I needed money 'cause I had none. I fought the law and the law won. I fought the law and law won."

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