Thirty Six

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The next few days were just a blur of motion. Between the bus and concert halls. I had hardly slept, bouncing back and forth between the two. Not to mention my mind was so full half the time that I was unable to sleep. But I hardly noticed. I kept myself fueled with Redbulls and coffee. If it wasn't one it was the other. And all though I couldn't sleep I had been able to fill my time. I had started writing songs again. I didn't think I would get back into it while still on tour, but I had been getting things coming to me while laying up at night or waiting for a show to start.

So I had started writing. Even though I had only really completed one I had an idea of what I wanted to do on my next album. My pen flew across the page as I wrote down the lyrics buzzing in my head. I was just in the middle of a thought when it was cut off by the sound of guitar. "I'm an outsider, outside of everything. I'm an outsider, outside of everything," Reed sang from his spot on the couch across from me. He had decided to bus hop at our last destination. I had thought it would be a problem until now. "I'm an outsider, outside of everything. Everything you know, everything you know it disturbs me so." I sighed, running hand through my hair.

"I'm trying to think here," I said.

"You don't like the Ramones?"

I sighed. "I love the Ramones."

"Then whats the problem here?"

I opened my mouth about to tell him exactly what my problem was, but he cut me off. He launched back into the song like I hadn't even said anything. "I'm an outsider, outside of everything. I'm an outsider, outside of everything. I'm an outsider, outside of everything Everything you know everything you know it disturbs me so," he continued, totally killing any attempts at my finishing my song. "Everybody tried to push me, push me around. Everybody tried to put me, try to put me down. All messed up, hey everyone I've already had all my fun. More troubles are gonna come. I've already had all my fun. Oh yeah, yeah yeah."

I blew out a breath, one hand weaved into my hair while the other tapped a pencil against my notebook. I just needed to block him out. That's all I had to do. Should be too difficult. "Everybody tried to push me, push me around. Everybody tried to put me, try to put me down. I'm an outsider, outside of everything. I'm an outsider, outside of everything," he kept on, oblivious to how angry I was getting. My temper was short due to the lack of sleep. "I'm an outsider, outside of everything. Everything you know everything you know it disturbs me so!"

And then I blew up. I threw my pencil and notebook down, shocking Reed. He looked up at me like my reaction was totally unwarranted. "Can't you see I'm writing over here, Reed?" I demanded. He gave me a blank stare. "I can't even hear myself think with you playing. I've got to have full concentration when I'm writing otherwise it comes out all wrong." I probably looked crazy. My hair was wild and I had dark circles under my eyes from the lack of sleep. Instead of yelling back, like I expected, Reed just sighed and looked concerned.

"When was the last time you slept?"

"When was the time you slept?" I retorted.

"You need to sleep every once in a while."

"So do you!" I pointed out, outraged.

He set his guitar aside. "You've been up for days, Piper. I think you could use it more than I do," he told me. I scoffed at him. He was up just as much as me, maybe more. But I knew that arguing was pointless. Once he made up his mind he made up his mind—that was it. I sighed dramatically, crossing my arms over his chest. He stared back at me, waiting to hear what I had to say.

I ran a hand through my hair, trying to find something—anything—to get him off my case. And nothing brilliant came to mind. "I'm just fine," I finally said. It ws truly unremarkable. He didn't seem to believe it. "I don't need to sleep." No matter how I insisted Reed didn't seem to believe it. I guess I never was really all that good at convincing anyone. If I was I'd be a lot further than where I was, and I certainly wouldn't be in the awkward place I was with my family.

"I'm not asking you to drop everything for a full eight hours. I'm asking you to squeeze in something—I don't care what," he told me. I gave up. What would a couple hours cost me? I'd still be able to squeeze in everything I needed to get done. Lately, it just felt like sleeping costme time I could be doing so much more. Despite how I felt I trudged back to the bunk, snagging a blanket and pillow. I returned to Reed, throwing the pillow and blanket down before plopping down myself. I pulled the blanket around me, glaring at Reed.

"Happy?" I said sarcastically.

He smiled. "Very much so."

"Why don't you sleep some?"

"I'll sleep when I'm dead."

I couldn't believe how hypocritical he was being. He insisted that I sleep but he himself couldn't be bothered with it? I was about to protest when a yawn took control of me. Nothing was quite as draining or satisfying as a yawn. It only ever made me more tired. As I thought this I felt my eyes get heavier and heavier, and then I crashed. It was like finally falling into bed after a long night out. There wasn't quite anything better than it. And even better was my sleep was interruption free.

* * * AUTHOR'S NOTE * * *

I've been in like a comatose state. Not really, but I've been snowed in for like four days and all I've been able to force myself to do is conquer civilizations. So many days off really takes the drive out of me. :) But I pulled this together and I've been managing to write bits and pieces here and there between all the global domination.

Also I know this is a short chapter but it had to be so. Other wise the chapter count would on something other than a five or a zero. And I absolutely cannot have that. It would drive me insane. But things are going to really pick up because we are nearing the end. We've still got several chapters but the light is in sight.

The song is obviously Outsider by the Romones. Green Day did a pretty good cover of this too. Also they have a nice My Generation cover on one of their first albums Kerplunk. I should have mentioned that back when I did My Generation, but it totally slipped my mind.

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