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We finished the video at one. It was pretty easy once we got part all the major filming areas. After that it was tying up odds and ends and editing. We would be able to see it in a week probably, or that's what I was told. As soon as we finished up our session we made our way back to the hotel. Not much went on at one on a weekday. It was boring actually. After all the running around and chaos you got used to it. You craved it. You didn't know any other way to be after that. I actually missed not being able to grab sleep or spend one second by myself.

I sighed, pushing the button on the remote. I frowned up at the screen. Who the hell put together daytime television? It was fucking awful. I threw the remote down, not caring what I landed on. It was either soap operas or the shopping channel so it wasn't like it was much choice. Both were bad. I had never been a big fan of television. I was always busy doing something else so I had never found time to watch much of it. I remember I had about two shows I used to watch with my mom or Rhett, but I never watched it any other time.

I tapped my fingers against my leg, staring at the television screen. I wasn't even really watching it. I ran a hand through my hair. I wonder what Reed and the boys were up to. They usually had something going on, right? They never just sat still. That wasn't their thing. They could fix this boredom. Thinking this, I stood up and turned off the television. I was about to leave when my phone went off. Who the hell was that? I dug my phone out, bringing it to my ear.

"Hello?" I greeted, waiting.


"Hello?" I said yet again.

Once again I was met with silence. I could hear the sound of someone on the other line. I could hear the breathing and almost like they were thinking of talking, but never did. Who was this? I pulled the phone away, looking at the number that was displayed on the screen. I didn't recognize it. It wasn't from around Riverview or Lechston. Whoever it was I hadn't met in any of those places. "Hello?" I said again, my voice starting to carry an edge. "Who the hell is this?"

The line went dead, sounding in my ear. My brows pulled together as I threw my phone back on the table. I didn't have time to deal with this. I shook my head, hurrying out of the room. I walked down the hall to Reed and the Muck-Up's room. I knocked on the door. Nothing. I knocked again, waiting. Nothing. What the fuck? I listened. I could clearly hear the sound of the television through the door. I jiggled the door, trying to see if it was open. It was.

As I stepped into the room my eyes instantly went to where they were. All of them were sprawled out across the bed and the floor in front of the bed. Even Callum and company was there. Why the hell wasn't I invited? I stomped across the room, dropping down onto the bed next to Callum. He looked up at me wit a dazed look in his eyes. Those bastard! They were smoking without me.

"Want to hit this, doll?" he asked.

I took the blunt, taking a drag. I brought it into me. It had been a while. I forgotten how great it was. My eyes moved towards the television. I nudged Callum, nodding towards the television. "What the hell is that about?" I asked him. Instead of answering me though he just stared absent-mindedly at the screen. You'd think they were watching Star Wars or Narnia or something, but it wasn't any of that. It was the fucking cooking channel. Who the hell watched the cooking channel other than elderly ladies and stay home mothers'? I'd never understand it so I took another drag and let myself fly.

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