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"Leaves are falling all around. Time I was on my way," I sang, moving my fingers over the strings of the guitar. "Thanks to you, I'm much obliged for such a pleasant stay but now it's time for me to go. The autum moon lights my way for now. I smell the rain, and with it, pain and it's headed my way. Aw, sometimes I grow so tired, but I know I've got one thing I got to do." My voice was soft as it formed the words in the song. "A-rambled on, and now's the time, the time is now. Sing my song, I'm going round the world. I gotta find my girl on my way. I've been this way ten years to the day. Ramble on, gotta find the queen of all my dreams."

I closed my eyes, letting my fingers roam over the strings. The music drifted through the bus. It filled the silence. My lips formed the words. I wasn't even sure what I said. They came so easily to my mind, almost without thinking at all. "Mine's a tale that can't be told. My freedom I hold dear," I sang out. My voice echoed through the bus. I would have almost thought I was alone, but then I heard shuffling from behind me. I looked up to see Ian, my bassist, stumble in from the bunks in the back of the bus. His hair was ruffled and I could tell he had been sleeping.

I finished the song, my fingers finally stilling. I slide the guitar off my lap, looking over at Ian who had thrown himself down on the opposite couch. He met my gaze, his eyes half lidded. I had first met Ian and Brian during one of my recording sessions. They did all the things I couldn't do like lay down bass and drums. They were, in essence, the rest of my band. "Do you ever sleep?" Ian mumbled, rubbing his eyes. I was pretty sure he was still mostly asleep.

"Sometimes," I answered.

"I'd get to it then. We got a show waiting for us."

"Don't worry about me."

I looked up, casting my eyes out the window. I watched as the bus ate up the road. We still had a little while to go before we would be in the city. I stood up, stretching. Ian was probably right. I should try to grab some sleep while I could. As soon as we crossed the state lines I'd have to get ready for the show. My first show. I could hardly believe in  a matter of hours I'd find myself on a stage surround by thousands of people. "I'm turning in," I told him as I started toward the bunks. I heard him grumble but couldn't make out much else.

I walked into the back to find Brian sprawled out on the bottom bunk, his arm thrown out to the side. He was shirtless and disheveled looking. I shook my head, carefully climbing up on the top bunk. I slid under the covers, relishing the feel of the bed beneath me. I was pretty tired. It wasn't anything like a hotel bed but it was plenty good for me. In a matter of minutes I found myself slipping unconscious. The world going dark around me.

♪            ♫              ♪

"Piper, wake up!"

"Shake her or something."

"Get up," he said.

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