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"I saw you in the magazine today!"

I picked at my nail polish, stretching out across the couch on the bus. I turned my head, looking out the window. I watched as the road disappeared behind the bus as we got closer and closer to our next destination. "The interview?" I asked Tiana. I hadn't talked to her in a while. I felt kind of bad about it. We'd always made time for each other in the past, and now it seemed I never had time. Or at least our time didnt fall together like it once had.

"Yeah, your brother showed it to me!"

"Since when do you talk to my brother?"

"Well, we have been recently," she said.

"Oh yeah? Since when?" I pressed her.

I heard her moving around on the other end. Where was she? I couldn't help but wonder. It wasn't too long ago I had been doing things with her. We'd go to the river or haunting parking lots. I remember we used to just drive around all night sometimes, listening to music and smoking. I still do that now, but I had options now that I never did then. "I don't know. I guess when you left we started hanging out more," she said hesitantly. I knew it! "I mean he isn't so bad. He's actually kind of fun, and he reminds me of you."

I knew it! I just knew it as soon as she told me. "Oh my god, Ti! Are you with my brother?" I demanded. "I can't believe you! I've been gone for a couple months and suddenly you date my brother. Isn't that almost like dating me? My male form? That's fucked up, Ti. Really it is." I laughed, leaning my head against the armrest.

"Hey! It isn't like this!" she argued. I shook my head, smiling. "He reminds me of you, but then I remember he's so much more fun! But that's not the point. The point is I saw your interview and on top of that you've been all over the radio. From what Rhett tells me it's going good out there. You're having all the fun while I'm stuck here. I'm jealous! I bet you get to meet all the best people, and the clothes! I can't even stand the thought!"

"Oh, please you are—"

It was then that I noticed something. I glanced out the window. The bus was stopping. What was going on? We weren't anywhere close to town yet. It was then that I heard laughter and the door to the bus popped open, and in walked Reed and company. I sighed, raking a hand through my hair. "Ti, I got to go," I told her. The exasperation was clear in my tone. Reed flashed me one of his classic smiles, throwing himself down on the couch before me. He put his arm around me. I made a face, knocking his arm away from me.

"Seriously?" she asked me.

"Yeah, I'm sorry!"

"Well, I'll catch you later."

I hung up my phone, looking over at Reed. I glared at him. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I asked him. I watched as Toad fiddled with the television. It didn't look like he was making a lot of progress. It was like he was poking a lot of buttons and mumbling to himself a lot. Luke grumbled, knocking Toad aside to look at it himself. "And what—what is he doing? He'll break something. He's going to screw up my television, Reed."

"Relax! We got bored," he said to me.

"So you stopped the buses?"

"We thought you might want company."

I decided the best policy was to ignore him. There was no point in arguing with him. He tended to do what he wanted despite what was appropriate. With a sigh I shoved myself off of the couch, crossing the room. I pushed both Toad and Luke aside. They were helpless. You'd think they'd know how to work it. After all, It was exactly like their's. I grabbed the cords, putting them in their rightful spots and then turned it on. I clapped my hands dramatically. "Would you look at that!" I said sarcastically. "Magic!"

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