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The sunlight trickled in through a small opening in the blinds, slowly bringing me out of my sleep. I stretched, feeling like I had been hit by a truck from the night before. I winced as my muscles pulled. I could use a shower, I thought as I drug myself out of bed and into the connecting bathroom. I turned the shower on, waiting for it to warm up. I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

My hair was wild, sticking up in the back. My make up was smeared and clothes wrinkled from falling into the bed without changing first. After the concert the night before we had all went out. By the time I stumbled back into the hotel it was five in the morning. I didn't get a lot of sleep but lately it wasn't like I slept a lot anyway.

I changed out of my clothes, slipping into the shower. I instantly felt my muscles relaxing as the warm water ran over them. There was nothing better than this after a long night. Well, maybe coffee. Coffee might be better. I finished cleaning myself up and then stepped out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around me and started on my hair. Just as I picked up my comb my phone went off. I sighed, snatching it up.

"Yes?" I asked as a greeting.

"Good morning to you too."

Andrew? Why in the hell was Andrew calling me and so early? He usually was on the managing, producing end of things. I felt my stomach jump nervously as I imagined what he could have called to talk to me about. Maybe it wouldn't be any of those things. "Sorry, I'm not much of a morning person," I told him in way of apology for the way I answered the phone.

"I can imagine, especially with all that you've had on your schedule lately. But there is really no need to apologize, Piper. I work in the music industry. I'm used to dealing with difficult people, and you are no where close to being the worst," he explained to me. I finished combing my hair, dropping the comb back onto the counter. "That isn't what I wanted to talk about however. With your album coming out soon I think it is time we get a music video underway."

"A music video?"

"Yes, any ideas?"

I had completely overlooked that part. During the touring and recording I had forgotten all about music videos. It seemed eclipsed by everything else. But now that I was thinking about it... What did I want to do? There was several songs I'm sure I could come up with something great for. "Maybe we could start with Vibes. It's popular and the fans know it. I have some ideas for it too. I think we could do something really unique with it."

"I'm in agreement with you."

"So when are we doing it?"

"In an hour," he informed me.

"An hour?" I exclaimed. "Why was I informed of this just now?" This was a joke. He had to be kidding. That was a lot to drop on someone with such little time. I wasn't even dressed yet. I vented my concerns. "I'm not even dressed and I'm not sure I can get the guys around in time. You haven't had to try to wake them before. It's nearly impossible! Are you sure we have to do it today?"

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