Chapter 14: You Don't Regret it, but I Do

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Chapter 14: You Don’t Regret it, but I Do

Nash didn’t come home after our fight. In fact, I hadn’t seen him for hours, 6 or 7 hours now and that was unlike him. I started to get worried, but I was just being paranoid. Nothing bad was going to happen to my beat guy friend.

Mira hung out in my room for a while consoling me after I told her about our fight. She wasn’t surprised by it, we fought like this at times but we always made up quickly. I was nervous that maybe I had gone too far in saying what I said to him. It was true he wasn’t my boyfriend but I didn’t have to be so harsh. My words didn’t have to be so hurtful.

“Oh, baby cakes it will be fine. Nash is a big boy and he’ll come crawling back to your hot ass soon enough. He’ll be begging to get a piece of you.” Mira commented after taking a huge bite of my Eddy’s chocolate fudge brownie ice cream.

“I know. I’m just worried. He’s never stayed mad at me for this long.” I responded as a frown slipped on to my face. Mira didn’t reply. Instead, she shoved a huge spoonful of ice cream in my half open mouth. It smeared across my lips and I attempted to lick it off after I swallowed the mouthful, but was cut off by her leaning in and licking it off of my lips. That was Mira. She made even the most innocent things about sex.

“Stop being a baby and give up the ice cream or you’re going to have the fattest ass this side of the Mason Dixon line.” She smiled evilly and stole my half eaten half gallon of Eddy’s, walking out of the room and closing the door behind her. She gave it to me straight, like she always did. That is why I loved her.

I settled into bed feeling sorry for myself. I had a fight with Nash, my best friend, and effectively broke up with my non-boyfriend, who was my teacher, who was also married. Why was my life so fucking complicated? When did the heavens decide to open up and rain shit down on me? Just when I realized I had feelings, very confusing but real feelings for a guy, I discover he is married and will probably get killed by my psycho ex so I have to push him away. This totally sucks ass!

I heard a soft knock on my door just after 11 pm and rolled over to see what the intruder wanted. Alec smiled at me through the darkness of my room and came to rest beside me. He sat next to me and laid his hand on my shoulder.

“Nash is home. He’s completely wasted and practically crying his eyes out, poor bastard.” Alec shook his head in disapproval. He didn’t understand the intensity of my relationship with Nash and it always seemed an oddity to him that two people, who used to date, still have sex and are best friends. He was a player, so who was he to judge?

“Forgive him J, he didn’t mean what he said and he’s pretty broken up about it.” He announced and I sighed. He was broken up about it? Well, he should be, he called me a whore. I may be a lot of things, but I am not a whore. Okay, so I’m probably not a whore.

What Have I Done and What Am I Going to Do Now? (A teacher/student mishap)Where stories live. Discover now