Chapter 32: Close Encounters

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Happy Birthdat Tasha ♥ its still your Bday in my timezone :)

Enjoy :) please comment & vote!!


Recap chap 31:

If only that could have been me, then my heart would finally have been bursting with joy. I hoped that after we got home and things got back to normal, that everything would turn out as planned for Soren, for Alec and Mira, and for Nash, but most of all for Fenix, the baby and I. I didn't want to hold onto hope that wasn't there, but for some reason, I just couldn't let go of it or Jackson Fenix Rivers.


Chapter 32: Close Encounters

To say that things had changed in such a short time would be an understatement. Everything was different now, yet so much stayed the same. Security was tighter, with a guard outside the apartment door and an extra eye on us at college. Alec kept a stricter watch on Mira and I and Nash barely let me out of his sight, even to use the bathroom or bathe. Privacy and alone time were virtually nonexistent. Even Fenix had stepped up his game and called me a few times to ensure that Mira and I were getting better in the last few days after we were released from the hospital. Mr. Jingles, my cat from home even made an appearance in the apartment.

But what remained the same was that Mira and Alec still hid their relationship, Nash still thrived on pretending to be the baby's father and Fenix, he was still married and my professor. There really wasn't a chance of that changing any time soon. So as much as things were altered, the important things were left the same.

I made my way down the familiar hall, with Alec, Nash and Randy, the new guard and a classmate of Alec's from the academy, in tow. I stopped at the bathroom before class because Mother Nature and pregnancy were hell on the bladder. Alec and Randy dutifully cleared the restroom before I entered and Alec waited for me just inside the door while I did my business.

When I left the stall I was surprised to see a classmate from my psych class and a girl I knew from high school fixing her makeup. She was pretty as always and a really sweet girl, although she had a naughty side. I approached her and smiled as I washed my hands.

"Hey, how are you?" I greeted her and surveyed her reflection in the mirror. She smiled back but faltered a moment as my arms raised to fix my hair and my shirt slid up a bit exposing my slight rounded stomach.

"Oh. Hey Jade. I guess this means Nash is off the market?" She commented with disappointment, gesturing toward my stomach.

Alec chuckled softly from the doorway and I threw him a dirty look, to which he rolled his eyes in response. Just because he had to be with me every second of freaking every day, even if it was for my own protection, didn't mean he had to be in my business. I sighed, not really knowing quite how to respond to her comment.

In one respect, Nash was devoted to keeping up this farce, maintaining paternity of the baby and tormenting Fenix for his own pleasure. But in another respect, this girl was perfect for Nash and he'd always kind of liked her in high school but the timing was never right. This could be his chance at happiness so who was I to spoil it for him by hanging on to him and entertaining his delusions of fatherhood?

"We aren't together Kirsty and I know for a fact that he had the hots for you in high school." I said in a sing-song voice.

I didn't want to give too much away in the event that Fenix went running once he had proof that he was the father. I wasn't certain that he'd stick by his word. After all, I was in the hospital when he'd sworn to care for the baby and I, but it could have been guilt talking and not his pure intentions. Aside from that, he was still my professor and whether he wanted it or not, we needed Nash as a cover for the next several months until I was out of his class and could figure out what to do from there. It was just better for everyone this way.

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