Chapter 29: There's Something About Mira

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SOOOO SORRY for the long wait... as some of you know I have been suffering from depression for the past few months and it has taken a toll on me... after a bit of time off from writing I am finally starting to get back into it again but the uploads will come at greater lengths than they used to be. I am taking my time so as not to feel pressured and I am writing what I feel like writing and what feels right to me. Please continue to be patient and know that I haven't and never will give up on a story!!

Thank you all for the support and undersatanding!

If you love me... and Nash/Jade/Fenix/Alec/Mira or even Soren... like I know that you do, you will Comment/Like and Vote on this chapter. Make me feel like my efforts and struggles are appreciated.


Recap Chap 28:

“Making bathroom guy jealous, hell yes!” Nash exclaimed with the most excitement I had seen on his face in a while.

“Deal!” I stated, mildly amused and comforted by our newly hammered out terms.

“Deal!” Nash replied and sealed it with a soft and innocent kiss.

This was going to be one hell of an afternoon once we got Mira involved in the situation, and one hell of a class come Monday, when Nash intentionally tried to piss Fenix off and make him crazy with jealousy. I don’t know why I agreed to this, but something told me that Fenix deserved every bit of torture he was about to get for all of the things he had done. Pay back is a bitch… and so is Jade.


Chapter 29: There’s Something About Mira

"You two good now?" Alec asked from behind of Nash's car, looking at us over his shoulder, glaring at us with a certain look that said 'I dare you to say no'. I sighed and answered him in my customary smartass tone.

"Why yes officer badass, we are." I giggled and snuggled into Nash's side in the back seat. After all was said and done, things had returned to a certain sense of normalcy. We were both in agreement on the terms of the new relationship and for once I felt a bit relieved.

"Good. Now what are the terms?" He inquired with a raised eyebrow and a smirk that seemed to run in the family. Nash quickly fielded the question, rattling off the agreed upon list while Alec nodded his head in approval.

"Now that mess is settled, and we have all of Jade's things from her parents house, so we can concentrate on Mira." He responded seemingly unfazed, but I heard the concern that leaked into his voice and was clearly displayed in his deep blue eyes.

He wasn't the only one who was worried. Sure, Mira was a big girl who could take care of herself, but it was entirely out of character for her not to answer calls or texts, especially when she knew I had a 'friends' date with Fenix. She should have been talking my ear off about it for days, trying to get all of the dirty, or in my case not so dirty and more fucked up, details. This is what concerned me the most. There had to be something wrong.

Maybe it was Soren, or maybe things didn't go well with her family. Or maybe this mystery guy she was seeing and neglected to tell me about broke her heart and she was left in pieces and all alone and depressed. I knew she was seeing someone, just by the change on her demeanor lately, and she had a tendency to fall hard and fast.

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