Chapter 41: Betrayal and Lies

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So many of you were stunned by the last chapter which surprised me... So for those of you who were caught off guard, be prepared for another shock!

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Chapter 41: Betrayal and Lies

"I've left my wife." Fenix announced with a heavy sigh that sounded partly relieved yet equally frustrated.

I looked up at him from the bed I was resting in at our new apartment, to see his pale blue eyes so troubled and defeated. I didn't think he had it in him to discover the courage to leave her once and for all, but apparently yesterday's event were far too much for him to tolerate. It was regrettable that the situation unfolded the way it did, but it was also freeing in a way.

We finally had the truth, or the parts of it we discovered on our own, but it was enough to push all of our lives into extreme upheaval. I couldn't come to terms with the fact that my son was alive after so many years of mourning him, let alone comprehend how this kind of travesty could have happened. I blamed it on a grievous mistake by the hospital in Albany where my son and apparently Fenix's child, were both born on the same day. It was difficult to understand the circumstances of this strange mistake, yet too easily explained by hospital malpractice. There had to be more to it. There was always something more to it and I had a feeling that either Soren, or my parents were involved in this startling turn of events.

"I'm so sorry about Carver, badboy." I reached out to stroke his cheek and convey my sympathy for his loss. But somehow it seemed wrong that his loss was my gain.

"I know." He responded quietly, with nothing more than a soft whisper. He gripped my hand for support but my strength left much to be desired. I was weak in both body and mind.

"You're still his father, the only one he's known and I'm not going to take that away from you." I remarked with compassion and sympathy. It would be so wrong to try and replace him in Carver's life after he'd been the only father the child had known. It would be detrimental to both of them, of that I was certain.

"It's not just your choice Jade. He's not really mine to keep and maybe you'll see things differently after the reality has sunk in." He replied with a sigh of epic frustration and sorrow.

I wasn't certain what Nash was thinking or how he felt about suddenly being a dad, albeit the father of a sick child, but I was sure that there was some way that we could work this out. Yes, it was complicated and trying to become one cohesive family unit by adding new people to the equation would have some problems undoubtedly, but it was of the upmost importance to remain stable for Carver's sake. It wouldn't be easy, but we had no choice but to try.

Taking away the only parents a child has known and replacing them with virtual strangers, would do nothing but hinder the child's wellbeing. I wanted my son, but I didn't want it to come at the price of his health or emotional status. Not to mention the terrible toll that this must have taken on Fenix. His mental frame of mind was fragile at this point and I wasn't willing to take away his son without good cause and much deep thought into the matter. I was hoping that Nash would feel the same way, and was determined to discuss it with him as soon as I got the chance.

Still, it wasn't my choice alone, and considering Nash's feelings toward my boyfriend, it could go either way. I needed to speak to him, see him, so we could talk this over and come to terms with this new development on our own. After all, it was our child, one we believed to have died four years ago, that was now facing death and as much as I needed the love and support of Fenix, I needed Nash more right now.

Not only that, but I had to hear Veronica's side of the story and just how this travesty occurred. Was it truly a hospital mix up? Surly we've all heard stories of babies mistakenly switched at birth, or was there something more sinister in play, as I suspected? Was Veronica involved or was she too a helpless victim in this ongoing charade?

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