Chapter 5: The Quiz

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this chapter has sexual talk, but no sexual content.

Please enjoy & listen to the song.. I LOVE IT! Avenged Sevefold ROCKS!!!! I also posted pics of the characters on the other chapters: 1, 3 & 4 :)

Check out my other stories if you please :)


Chapter 6: The Quiz

The next day was uneventful. I lounged around all day long in my pajamas. I greeted Alec, Nash's older brother, the 'guard'. He stayed outside our apartment door diligently all day long. He was hired by my parents to watch me while I was home. I guess they cared about me after all, or Nash made a bigger deal out of this episode than was necessary.

I was happy at least that he had convinced them to hire someone I was familiar with. Alec was a nice guy. He was somewhat like Nash, with his no nonsense attitude and he was just as handsome. He was polite and professional, unlike the other times I had seen him. I guess he needed this job. Good thing Nash trusted his brother. My parents must have paid him a pretty penny to babysit me, I was certain of that.

Alec and I had a deal. He was allowed to stand guard at the apartment and follow me at a distance while I was at college, but only when I was alone. He was not, however, allowed to make his presence know or interfere in my life in any way. He also had to be dressed like a normal person, not some swat team member or some mafia understudy.

Alec was nice and accommodating. He was tall and muscular like Nash, about 6' with brown hair and blue eyes. Although his eyes were a boring blue, not the intense, freaky white/blue that Fenix had. Well, I guess his name is Jackson.

Why was I thinking about him anyway? He sure as hell was not thinking about me. Damn! I'm going to miss the quiz today and will have to make it up. Shit, I hate missing classes.

"Hey, bathroom guy wants you to meet him in his office at 10am tomorrow to make up the quiz you missed." Mira called as she walked in throwing her bag and purse to the floor. I loved her, but she had no sense of cleanliness.

"Please stop calling him that, he doesn't like it." I commented casually. Why did she have to bring him up when I had just gotten my mind off of him?

"Whatever, 10 am, don't be late." She kissed my lips and left to do whatever she does in her room. I'm glad I don't know what that is because in truth, I'm sort of afraid to know.

Tomorrow I have a meeting with Fenix, Jackson, I mean Prof. Rivers. Tomorrow should be very interesting.

Alec followed me to my class, albeit inconspicuously. He really was good at this secret spy stuff. I think he went to college for criminal justice or something. Then he graduated from the police academy last year. I think he is holding out for a secret government CIA type job though, so this is good practice for him.

Nash had some sports medicine type class, so this is why Alec was tailing me. If you could call it tailing, it was more like checking out the hot college chicks nearby while paying very little attention to me. Maybe this wasn't the best idea ever. I mean, I did feel safer, but it was still inconvenient.

I approached Prof. River's office door which was slightly ajar. He was behind his desk with a stack of paper and a red pen, an amused smirk firmly planted on his face. I felt myself smile as my eyes fell upon his handsome face. Stop! I can't think like this and he has made it perfectly clear that we had to act like nothing ever happened between us.

I turned to see Alec at the end of the hall, in a flirtatious discussion with a hot blond. Good for him, maybe he can score, even if I can't. This thought brought a frown to my face, which in turn brought a grimace and groan of pain. My face was even more tender than I expected.

What Have I Done and What Am I Going to Do Now? (A teacher/student mishap)Where stories live. Discover now