Chapter 40: Shattered Innocence

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Recap: chap 39:

"Do you think it's true? Do you think he's not mine?" Fenix asked which such a fragile and heartbroken tone to his voice that it made my heart weep. He rested his forehead against mine and let out a shallow and shaky breath. I held him so tightly, wrapping my arms around him as much as I could, in order to comfort him the way he always did me.

"I don't. He is your son and he will always be your son badboy. Don't lose sight of hope." I whispered quietly against his lips before they met his in a sweet and intensely meaningful kiss.

"If it's true, we're done. I'm done with that bitch for good. I don't care if he's in the hospital. I won't stay with her, even as a façade, if she has lied to me this way." He replied softly and it felt as though he had lost the will to continue.

I felt him become heavy in my arms and I knew that it was the distress that had gotten to him, causing him to give up a little more of the hope he had left. I wasn't sure what was going on here or who was to blame, but what I did know was that if this doctor didn't come up with some answers fast, Fenix was going to malfunction. I'm sure that this was a mistake of epic proportions but if it wasn't, then I was certain that it had everything to do with his bitch of a wife. And if that was the case then she would have to answer to me for breaking Fenix's heart and spirit.


Chapter 40: Shattered Innocence

Fenix and I sat in the Pediatric ICU waiting room and took a few quiet moments to get our heads together before we went to visit Carver. It had been about four days since the doctor told Fenix that he may not be the father of his son. I felt awful for him. My heart swelled with sorrow every time I pictured what his face would look like if the doctor confirmed his suspicions. I prayed that it wasn't true. But as a distraction from reality, we preoccupied ourselves with the gang's upcoming events.

Nash was expected to stop by and check on us before he picked up his brother Alec, who was being released from the hospital today against medical advice. It was understandable that Alec wanted to go home. I mean, who wouldn't want to convalesce in familiar surroundings? But it was irresponsible of him to leave against the advice of the doctors who were caring for him. It was equally idiotic of him to go against Mira's wishes for him to stop being so macho and stay in the hospital a few more days, where he belonged.

He should know by now that it wasn't wise to cross Mira under such grave circumstances. I understood her point all too well, having almost lost Nash to the poisoning Soren orchestrated, but the choice wasn't mine to make, nor was it my place to impose judgment when the entire ordeal was my doing, in a manner of speaking.

As we waited to say good bye to the gang, and give best wishes for Alec's speedy recovery at home, all we were really pondering were the test results. We sat motionlessly in a veil of unending tension, but instead of time flying by as it often does, it ticked away ever so slowly. That's the funny thing about time, it keeps moving forward no matter the adversity or drama of life. It stands still for no man, though there are some events in life that would stop our world completely. Time is constant and we mortals don't have much of it in the grand scheme of life. We must take the time we are given and use it wisely, instead of squandering it with worry and unhappiness, being ungrateful for each day of life that we are given or not embracing the chance to be happy, even in the face of adversity.

Just as that profound thought crossed my mind, Fenix grasped my hand gently, but with a squeeze of pressure every now and then, to let me know that his mind was still on distressful matters. I wanted to ease his fears but I could think of no suitable subject for escape from reality. That was when I glanced at him, and saw the all-consuming sadness in his pale eyes. His handsome face was wracked with worry and I was more than certain that he needed a stress release now more than ever. So I did the only thing I could think of to ease his pain, even of its effect was momentary. I positioned myself so we sat face to face and gently grabbed his face in my hands. I stared into his forlorn eyes for just a second, taking in his restlessness and concern just before leaning into his warm body.

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