Chapter 1: Best Birthday or Worst Day Ever

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*****WARNING This story & chapter contain scenes of a mild sexual nature. Please be advised*****


Chapter 1: Best Birthday or Worst Day Ever

The rainbow of strobe lights flashed to the loud thumping of the bass. The music was electrifying, making me dance on my bar stool. I leaned over the bar, delicately flashing a little cleavage to get the bartender's notice. I ordered a drink with a smile and he smiled back in return. I've still got it!

I must say I looked stunning in my little black dress with red heels. My auburn hair pulled back into a messy bun with tendrils falling loosely around my face. I had just the right amount of makeup on to look sexy, not trashy. This is what got the attention of the real men, not the boys looking to bang sluts.

Not that I was opposed to having a little fun. I wasn't a virgin or anything, just not a whore either. I was something in between, a fun loving girl who knew how to have a good time. I never turned down a hot guy who was begging for it, but I didn't go throwing myself at everything with a dick either. I had a bit of class, definite standards by which I choose the objects of my desire. By no means was I prude, yet I didn't ask for attention that wasn't already coming my way.

I thanked the super hot bartender as he set my rum and coke down in front of me. I flashed him a smile and a taunting look to which he replied by eye fucking me and biting his lip. This one wouldn't be hard to get. He had eyes for me, that was easy to see and I wasn't about to turn down free drinks or anything that may follow.

"You are in a happy mood, what's the occasion?" His deep, velvety voice purred. It tickled my ears and turned me on. He was tall, about six foot two and muscular to a degree. He wasn't a muscle head weight lifter, nor was he lanky. But he was lean, strong and altogether enticing which I assume was an asset in his career field.

"It's my birthday, I'm 21 today." I answered hastily in a sultry tone as I fluttered my long lashes wantonly. He ruffled his brown hair and stared deeply into my golden brown eyes while I stared into his bright green ones.

"Maybe I should give you a present then." He announced, desire oozing from every pore in his body.

"Maybe you should." I responded alluringly, leaning a little closer so our faces were but inches apart. That is when Mira ruined it all. Bitch!

"Hey, I've been looking for you." She shouted over the rave like music deafening the inhabitants of the club. Ugh, I was aggravated by her, to say the very least.

"Mira, can't you see I'm busy." I sneered, pushing her arm off of mine and giving her the evil eye for interrupting my game.

Did she think that good men grew on trees around here? The sheer number of creeps and perverts in a city like this was astounding. This is exactly why I had to use judgement when deciding whether or not to ignore or accept any advances from guys. Sometimes it was easy to tell who was creepy and who was respectable, and other times it was a wash.

"It's your birthday and we are dancing! Come on." She insisted rather persistently.

At times like these, I hated my best friend Miranda, or as I called her Mira. She was a little shorter than me with blond hair and blueish grey eyes. She had a good body, like mine, curvy yet slender and had no loss for men. But she was a bit crazy, unpredictable, overbearing and had a bad attitude at times. She was the boss, or so she thought.

"Sorry bartender, you'll have to get a piece of action later, because right now, we are dancing." She announced before pulling me forcefully onto the dance floor. Did I mention she was direct and said whatever was on her mind. No filter, she had no filter on her mouth what so ever. So she called it how she saw it every time.

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