Chapter 45: In the end (part 1)

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"What if this doesn't work Alec? What if all this evidence isn't enough to get Soren put away?" I asked nervously as we sat in the waiting area of the police station. I held the large box of evidence we had collected in my hands and picked at a curled up edge of cardboard anxiously.

"Please don't worry Jade. I'm sure this is more than enough to tie him to the crimes." He answered assuredly. Alec placed his hand in mine and gave it a small squeeze.

I hated sitting here, waiting, when there were so many other things I could have been doing to use my time more efficiently. Since yesterday, when I was reunited with Fenix, so many thoughts and ideas had inundated my head. Thoughts about our life together, his divorce and raising these children together as a family. I was also concerned with Carver, how much health the bone marrow had brought him, when he'd be well enough to be put on a heart transplant list and how we would tell him about his biological parents. He wasn't old enough to understand these things now, but someday he would be.

I sat in deep thought wondering what the police could do to help us, if the evidence was strong enough, and if Soren would finally be arrested and put in prison were he belonged. What would life finally be like when we could live happily and freely without the threat of my psycho ex-finance hanging over our heads? Wouldn't it be nice if life was simple again?

I turned to glance at Alec to see that he had a peaceful and confidant look on his face. He had spent hours going over details last night, with his detective friend and his partner. It seemed that he was at ease and not really worried about the possibility of Soren getting away with the heinous acts he had committed. Yet there was so much to consider, so many things he had done with the help of his thugs, that gave me reason to pause and wonder if anything could concretely be linked to him. Soren wasn't stupid, nor was he impulsive. I was certain that everything he did was thoroughly planned and devised in such a way that he couldn't be connected to any of it. Maybe I was wrong, maybe he had left evidence behind and I prayed that this were the case.

"Alec, we're ready." The detective from last night said and smiled as he turned to greet me. "Ms. Waters, it's nice to see you. Could you follow me please." He stated politely and then turned to lead us down a long hallway to the interrogation room. His partner as well as two other official looking fellows were waiting there, and after we had settled into our seats he introduced us all.

"Mr. Montgomery, Ms. Waters, this is my partner Detective Reilly." He motioned to the man I recognized from last night at the hospital. Then he pointed to the other men and announced them as well. "This is Special Agent David from the FBI and Agent Carmine from Homeland Security." Detective Jones took his seat across from us with ease, as if he'd done this a thousand times before.

"I'm sorry, the FBI and Homeland Security? I don't understand." I remarked with utter confusion. I racked my brain for reasons why these two individuals would care about a stalker and attempted murderer. Surely those weren't federal crimes.

"Ms. Waters, this is a very complex case. Your ex-fiancé, Mr. Masterson, is involved in many things and has been of interest to various law enforcement agencies for some time. These gentlemen aren't here in an official capacity, only as a professional courtesy. Let's get this interview underway, shall we?" Detective Jones explained and brushed off their importance as though they knew a lot about Soren that we did not.

I didn't understand at all. I was thoroughly confused, and by the look on Alec's face he was a bit bewildered himself. I wasn't certain if these guys were here to evaluate the validity of our claims or were perhaps investigating something on a much larger scale. Of course, I knew that Soren had ties to the mob and possibly other criminal organizations, but it seemed odd that we weren't clued in to the real purpose of the agents visit. It hurt my brain to consider all of the possibilities, so I decided to oblige them and started to recount my tale.

It took hours to go through my statement, hand over and explain the evidence we had collected, including the threatening notes, phone messages, voice recordings and photographs we had collected, as well as walking through the timeline of events and reviewing the previous statements that were made to police when Mira and April were attacked and when Alec was stabbed at the winter carnival. After that, we spent some time looking through the information that Alec had given previously and matched it to my story for corroboration and to look for inconsistencies. However, there were none. Our statements were perfectly matched and that appeared to please the officers.

Once all of that was finished, Detective Jones reviewed the information they had collected pertaining to the car accident, and revealed it to us with Fenix's consent, which he had given the officers when they took his statement.

"It was no accident. The brake system as well as the seatbelt mechanism had been tampered with. After reviewing available surveillance cameras in the area, it was clear that this was attempted murder. A car was seen waiting along the road for several hours. As Mr. Rivers passed by, it then followed at high speed and ran him off of the road, causing the accident. This was thought out and planned, not spur of the moment." Jones announced with a bit of regret. I was floored with what they had found during the investigation, yet I expected nothing less.

"I knew it! I knew he did this. It isn't enough to threaten me and my friends, no Soren wants to kill them all to cause me pain." I sighed in anguish, not because I was hurt by his actions but because all of my friends were, and that they were his constant targets.

"Jade, calm down sweetheart." Alec remarked softly and rubbed my shoulder calmingly.

"We'll give you a minute." The detective remarked and they all shuffled out of the room.

"I don't know if I can deal with this Alec. I want all of this to be over. I don't want to live like this anymore. I don't want to look over my shoulder and worry about my friends safety day and night." I admitted with sorrow.

"Have faith J, his time will come." He replied with a small smile. He was always the voice of reason when I felt that the world was stacked against me, and for that I was grateful. We sat in silence for a few minutes more before the officers returned and let us know that they would be in touch after they did some more investigating and got the forensics back on the evidence. It was a long shot, but I held hope that once all was done, Soren would be held responsible. I couldn't afford to think anything else, because doubts were driving me crazy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2021 ⏰

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