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Newt's pov:

What seems like forever she finally calms down a little and I convinced her to go to a more comfortable place. We sat down at a table and I gave her something to drink and even after everything I gave her something to eat too.

Right now she has been staring at her food for the last five minutes. "Em you should really eat something, this is unhealthy." She looks up with tears in her eyes and a blank expression.

"Being unhealthy is the least of my problems Newt, I really can't eat." I stand up and cross my arms. "I get that you'd say that now, but what about these past weeks? Why aren't you bloody eating something?!" I start to get a little pissed off by her lack of self care.

"You can't just treat yourself like that Emily you deserve the whole world." She also stands up and crosses her arm. "The world? My worlds gone Newt. My life- our life is gone. We are nothing Newt, we have no life purpose outside these walls." She says angrily

"And what about you huh?" She asks pointing at my leg. 

"What are you bloody talking about?!" I raise my voice and she takes a step forward. "You really think I buy that bullshit story of yours? That you tripped and fell, and what about that time you said something about suicide and I asked who and you didn't answer? That was you, wasn't it?" She says and I take a step towards her.

"Yes! Okay? Is that what you want to hear? Does it ease your own unhappiness?" I say while she looks at me with an angry expression.

"Excuse me?! You think you know everything about me! But guess what, you don't!" She turns around in frustration and kicks the table.

"Then if I don't know anything about you, then tell me!" She groans while putting her hands in the air in frustration.

"I don't want to be here okay? Maybe it comes as a shocker, but not all people can recover from a suicide thoughts alright! Some people break and they can't recover from it!" She stops and looks down.

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