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"Hanging upside down is my new hobby. Didn't you know? Yeah, specially when we're probably going to be cut in tiny peaces and left for trash in the desert," I say with my hands just hanging upside down.

"Yeah, good plan Thomas, 'just hear what the man has to say' really working out for us," Minho remarks and I scoff. "Oh shut up Minho, both of you," Thomas says annoyed. "Maybe... maybe I can reach the robe," Minho says and tries to pull himself up.

"Enjoying the view?" Jorge asks, suddenly coming out of the dark. "No, and for the record, you owe me a word," I say and cross my arms. "Joder," he says and I frown. "Goder?" I repeat and he sighs. "No, it is Spanish, not American. Joder," he says again and I sigh. "Alright, jeez, what does it mean, Jefe?" He frowns and I smirk. "I heard someone call you that, I hope it isn't something gross," Minho sighs heavily and grunts.

"Could you shut your mouth for a second shuckface?" He asks bitterly and I stick my tongue out. "Alright, joder, joder," I say and Thomas sighs. "What the hell do you want?" Thomas asks and Jorge smirks. "That is the question, my men want to sell you back to WICKED, life has taught them to think small," he stops and I can't see him because my body is turned around, I can just hear him.

"I'm not like that, and something tells me that you're not either," he says and I chuckle. "Is the blood rushing to my head or is this shank not making any sense?" Minho says and I chuckle. "Both, one, you're just dumb, two, you're just dumb, three, I can't feel my feet, so whatever you wanna do, do it quickly before I lose my legs and fall down," I say and scoff.

"That's not- okay, anyways, tell me what you know about the right Arm," he demands and I am finally turned around enough to see him. "I thought you said they were ghosts," Thomas says and Jorge looks at Newt. "I happen to believe in ghosts, especially when I hear them chattering on the airwaves, so, you tell me what you know, and maybe we can make a deal,"

I see him going to the handle where the robes are tight and scoff. "So first you're lying and now you're telling the truth? How about, shut up and let us go!" I say and he pulls the handle.

We fall down and I shut my eyes close. "Emily! Stop talking! They're hiding in the mountains," Thomas says and I groan, he's gonna kill us and find them on their own. "And they attacked WCKD, they got out a bunch of kids, that's it, that's all we know,"

Jorge was about to open his mouth if a man didn't show up. "Hey Jorge, what's going on?" He asks and I groan, more company. "Me and my new friends were just getting acquainted," he answers and I sigh. "We're done now," Thomas raises his hands in protest.

"Hey! Aren't you gonna help us?" He asks and Jorge seems a bit distressed. "Don't worry hermano, you're going back to where you belong," Jorge walks away and a few minutes later the man does also.

While the boys were busy trying to push Teresa to the handle, I patiently waited. She finally got it and untied us. Thankfully. Suddenly we hear Janson. "Shit, shit, joder!" I say and then we hear a gun click. "Stop using words you don't know the meaning off!" Minho hisses and I roll my eyes.

'We're not trying to cause any trouble okay? We just... we gotta get out of here," Thomas says and I see him not backing off. The man that was here earlier, God knows his name, is here right now, trying to get us killed. "Is that so?" The man asks and he gets his walkie talkie. "Janson, I got 'em for ya. I'm bringing 'em down, don't shoot us," he says and I groan.

"Come on, let's go, I said let's go," he says quickly when we don't move. Suddenly Thomas pushes him forward and the gun fires. When I look around to see no one got hit I look back at Thomas. They struggle and the gun cocks. "You little bastard," another shot fired, but this one went into him. "Okay. Come on," the girl, friend of Jorge says and I look down. "Come on let's go!" The girl says again and we start following her.

We run towards a sort of zip line and she pulls it down. "Come on!" She says and I look at Newt. "Go, go, go everyone go!" Thomas says and I shake my head. "I'll go second," I whisper and Minho goes first, than me.

I had to hold on tight and almost fell. I bit my lip so hard it started bleeding, but I didn't wanted to scream. Minho caught caught and I let out a heavy sigh in his arms of relief.

"Thanks," I say panting and smile sheepishly. The rest came too, just not the girl and Thomas. I hugged Newt and he just rubs my back. "We gotta move, come on," he says and I shake my head. "We can't-" suddenly I see Explosions. "No!" I say and Newt holds me with him. "Come on! Move!" We get downstairs and hide, meeting Jorge.

"Brenda will know where to go, come on," Brenda, that is her name. We walk and walk and walk. "Where are we going?" I ask and Jorge ignores my question. Newt gives me a reassuring smile and I just let out a sigh.

What is going to happen? Where are they? Will they come back? Shit.

"We're here," suddenly Newt holds me back, and Jorge opens a door. He leads us in and closes the door behind him. "I gotta talk to the owner, I'm sure they're here, just stay here and don't move, me, Brenda and your hermano will come back," I nod and Newt rubs my back.

"Is... is it okay if i close my eyes for a second?" I whisper and he nods. "Of course, I'll wake you up if we find him, okay?" I nod and smile. "Thanks Newt," I close my eyes and let out a deep sigh, slowly falling asleep.

~1070 words~

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