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When we finally arrive we stand still in front of the thing. "That's disgusting," I say and roll my eyes when I look at the griever. "Hey there's something in there." Thomas says and I squeeze my eyes. "You mean besides the griever pancake?" Fry says and I chuckle. Minho walks to the thing and basically shoves his hand in it. "What are you doing?" I ask and he doesn't respond. I take a step closer to be from help, but Thomas pushes me back.

Aw he's protective all the sudden, that's kinda hot. Stop! Your supposed to be mad at him!

We are all quiet, but then the griever moves. Minho gets pulled back and we all back off. "I thought you said it was dead?" Fry asks and I nod. "Maybe it's a reflex, you know like an aftershock?" I ask and they look at me. "You know when you die, but still move?" They shake their head in confusion and I sigh.

"Lets try to pull it out." Thomas says and we all grab the leg. We pull and it slowly gets ripped off the rest of the Griever. Thomas falls on top off me and I grunt. His touch makes me shiver a little bit and he quickly gets off of me, before he did he looks up and down at me.

I roll my eyes and I'm being pulled up by Fry. "Y'all okay?" He asks, but looks at me. "Fine." I mumble. I think about Thomas. Maybe they're related? I mean they both have dark hair, but that is probably the only similarity between those two.

"Interesting." Minho says and I snap out of my thoughts. I look at the -whatever it is- and walk towards him. I look at the thing. "WCKD." I mumble, the same things what was in the supplies. WCKD made these things, great.

. . .

I hear Newt and Thomas talking in the home steads but I'm too busy pacing around. WCKD. What is so special about a bunch of teenagers, a bunch of nobodies? How are we different from the rest? And most importantly, is this all a set-up? Maybe once we've escaped we go to the next round. Like a game, maybe we need to go on until there is only one left.

"Bloody hell Emily!" Newt yells and I look up at him. "Would you please stop pacing around? It's nerve-wracking." I shake my head and ignore him. I continue to pace until I feel a pair of hands holding my wrists. "I don't understand," I mumble and look up at Thomas, who is holding me.

"I mean, this is our first real clue, the first anything we found, you guys found in over three years, right Minho? Thomas?" I ask and they both nod. "Right." He says and I run my fingers through my hair.

"Newt. We gotta go back out there, who knows where this might lead us?" Thomas says and Thomas lets me go. "We are missing something, but I just can't understand what it is." I start pacing around again and Thomas sighs.

"You see what he's trying to do right? First he breaks our rules and then he tries to convince us to abandon them totally. The rules are the only thing that have ever held us together, why now are we questioning that?" Gally says and I am really starting to get angry. "If Alby was here, you know he'd agree with me." I shake my head and look up, Gally looks at me and I sigh.

"I don't see Alby, Gally. Don't you understand? These rules might have kept us together for 3 years, but that was when Alby was still with us. Now he's probably gonna die and then what? People are starting to lose faith." I say and stand up.

"This shank, needs to be punished, Newt you know it and so does everyone else." I roll my eyes and look up at Thomas.

"I just don't understand, he clearly discovered something, so why are you so fed up about it? As if you want to suppress him or something." I say and look at Gally.

"Let's not jump in conclusions guys, I mean Gally's right. Thomas broke the rules, one night in the pit and no food." I can't help, but smile a little.

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