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"Arm told me they're near the docks." Tay said while driving the car.

"My men are already there." Krist said while calling more of his men to go to the hideout near the dorks.

"What's the update Off?" Tay was driving at full speed. He doesn't want to waste a second. His newwie's life is in danger.

"The area is surrounded by guards and I think they're smuggling something Tay." Off said. He, Gun and many of Tay's men have surrounded the area and kept a lookout till their boss arrives.

"What do you mean? Off." Tay asked.

"I think it's drugs and ammo. But there is something else too." Off said.

"OMG." Tay heard Gun in the background.

"What happened to Gun. Off?" Krist asked as the phone was on speaker.

"Gun is fine. But Tay I think they're smuggling girls. It's a case of human trafficking." Off said.

"Arm tells me New's exact location." Tay said to Arm who was on the other call.

"He is in some kind of ship or something." Arm said

"Off is the ship leaving?" Tay asked, trying to control his emotions.

"Not yet. It will take some time. They still need to load." Off said while looking through his binoculars.

"Ok. Keep a lookout, call more of our men. We will be there soon." Tay said, cutting the phone call.

"I'm going to kill this bastard." Tay said while pushing the accelerator, increasing the speed of the car.

"We are going to kill him." Krist said while looking outside the window.

As soon as Krist and Tay reached their hideout they set up they saw many girls and big carton boxes being transported to the ship present at the dock.

"Newwie is on that ship. Boss" Arm said, handing Tay the ipad which is showing New's location.

"Let's go." Tay said, loading his gun.

"We can't rush in Tay. We need a plan." Krist said sitting on the chair.

"But Newwie is in danger. We don't have time to waste." Tay said frustratingly as his patience was wearing off minute by minute thinking of New's condition.

"But we can't just go there. New's life can be in danger." Gun said trying to reason with Tay.

"But he is already in danger and I can't protect him." Tay shouted with a cracked voice and a tear fell out of his eyes.

"Don't worry boss. We will get him out of there alive no matter what." One of Tay's men said as he noticed his boss's worried face with glossy eyes.

Whoever is inside must be someone very special to their boss because Tawan Vihokranta doesn't cry for anyone.

After hours of brainstorming Gun came up with an idea.

"I've plan but it's quite risky and have a 50/50 chance of working it." Gun said standing up from his spot.

"Tell me at this point we will do anything." Krist said.

"Some of our men will go from the backside and take out the guards. Then me and P'Off will go to the front with some men and cause a distraction which will give you and P'Tay the chance to go inside the ship."

"But there would be guards inside the ship too." Tay said, interrupting Gun's explanation.

"I will take care of it. I have hacked into all the cctv around the ship and will tell you of all the locations where guards are present so you can sneak past them." Arm said typing something on his computer.

"And I can see Newwie. He is on the top floor and he is tied to a chair." Arm said.

"Is he alright though." Tay asked, going towards Arm and looked at his computer.

"He is unconscious and a little bruised." Arm said.

"Continue Gun." Krist said a little relieved that New is alright.

"Yes. You and P'Tay will sneak past all the guards or kill them silently if required. Then you will go to the top floor and try to wake up New and get back from behind the ship." Gun said.

"And if something happens we will improvise." Off said.

"Everyone ready. Let's go." Tay shouted.

"We are at the back entrance. You can start." Tay said into his earpiece.

"Copy that."

As soon as Off and Gun got the signal from Tay. They both sneakily went into the warehouse with some of their mens. The plan was to set fire to some of their boxes which will cause the distraction and Tay and Krist can sneak past the guards easily.

In the span of 5 mins almost half of the warehouse was on fire and all the guards ran towards it which gave Tay and Krist the chance to go inside the ship. Following Arm's directions both of them got past most of the guards killing 3-4 on the way.

When they were standing in front of the closed door of the room New was in.

"Arm is someone in there with New." Tay asked.

But there was no response from the other side.

"Arm." Tay said once again.

"Come on Tay. Let's go inside, we don't have much time." Krist said.

"Off. Arm is not answering. Go and see, what's wrong?" Tay said and entered the room whose door Krist was able to open.

As soon as they got inside the room, they saw New being tied to the chair in the centre of the room still unconscious. They went near him to try to wake him up.

"New wake up baby!" Tay said kneeling in front of New while lightly slapping New's face to get him to wake up.

"Step aside." Krist said and splash New's face.

New woke up startled.

"Please don't kill me. Please." He whimpered still in an unconscious state.

"Nobody is going to kill you. It's me baby." Tay said, lifting New's head.

Hearing Tay's voice, New opened his eyes.

"T-Tay. Is it really you? Or I'm dreaming again." New said.

"It's me baby. Look Krist is here too." Tay said pointing towards Krist.

"P'Krist. I'm sorry." New apologised.

"No Newwie. It's not your fault." Krist said patting New's head while Tay untied New from the chair.

"You should get out of there. We found Arm knocked out here on the floor. This means they know about us." Off said through the earpiece.

"Let's get out of here." Tay said listening to Off talk.

As all of them stood up from the floor. The room to the door closed shut and there stood Joss with a gun pointed towards New. One of Tay and Krist's mutual enemy just because they both don't want to be involved in human trafficking.

"Not so fast." Joss said and pulled the trigger and as the bullet shot from the gun it was like slow motion as Tay stood in front of New and got hurt in the chest.

"TAY" New shouted.

Sorry for the late update. Hope you guys enjoyed it. 

This story is nearing to end. There is one chapter left after this and the epilogue.

Hope Guys enjoyed reading this story.

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