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Tay went inside the building through the fire exit which got blocked as soon as he entered. He may have come inside to save New but he didn't even know where he even was, but he started walking looking for New. After almost 10 mins he looked everywhere on the ground floor, but as he was passing by the waiting room to go to the stairs to go on the second floor, he saw New unconscious on the floor of the waiting room, the worst thought came to his mind, "Is he dead." But he moved from his frozen spot and went near New, he checked for New's breathing and thanked god that he was still breathing. He tried shaking him to make him conscious but New was not responding to it. Tay was losing his mind, he doesn't even know why he even cared about someone who he literally met two days ago, but at that time his priority is to get New and himself out of there. He tried picking up New up on his back, but he kept on slipping, so he tried the next best thing is to pick New up bridal style. As he picked him up, he looked at New's face and admired his cute features, as he was lost in his thoughts he heard a bang and saw a part of the ceiling had fallen down in front of the door and the one exit was also blocked.

Tay tried to think of something else but he didn't find any way, then he lay New on the nearby sofa and dialled Off's number.

"Off, Is the fire brigade here?." Tay asked.

"No, Tay, they are still stuck in the traffic. I don't know when they will be here."

"For fuck sake, they should be quick it's a fucking emergency." Tay shouted.

"I know Tay, but fire is subsiding and people are trying to put it down."

"Then we are stuck here till the fire brigade gets here."

"I think so Tay."

"Ok, and tell that boy his friend is okay."


As Off cut the call, Gun was standing there.

"Did he find him." Gun asked worriedly.

"He found him and he is also okay." Off assured Gun.

"Thank god." Gun sighed.

As Tay cut the call he heard a low voice and turned around and saw New waking up. He went near and heard New wants water, he tried looking for water and at last he found a refrigerator and got a bottle from there and went to New.

"Here, drink it." Tay pressed the bottle to New's mouth. New got up a little and drank the water.

After drinking the water New felt a lot better and finally noticed who was there with him.

"What are you doing here?" New's voice was a little hoarse due to all the smoke.

"I'm here to save you." Tay said

 "I don't need your saving." New was still a little bit pissed from their previous interactions.

"Look I'm sorry. But we are stuck here until the fire brigade gets here." Tay said

"I'm sorry too. It was my fault too." New sounded remorseful.

"Let's start from the scratch. We didn't even know each other's name and we were fighting already." Tay laughed a little.

Seeing Tay laughing a beautiful smile adorned New's face.

"I'm New, nice to meet you." New said, raising his hand for a handshake.

"I'm Tay, nice to meet you too." Tay said, taking New's hand and shaking it.

I leave it here for today. Guys I just want to say my classes have started so the updates will be a little bit late, not too late and I promise that I will complete this story.

So finally a civil conversation between TayNew but we all know that doesn't happen for long.

Let's see what happens in the future.

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See Ya!!!

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