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"Please, Krist don't be angry" New whispered.

"I'm not angry, Sorry I shouted" Krist was feeling guilty that he shouted on New.

Krist was thinking really hard how he can tell newwie that he can't go on this trip without breaking his heart. He never left New alone for more than 5-6 hours when he goes to college. So how can you all expect him to let him go to an entirely different place for a whole week, where anything can go wrong.

"You can't go, ask me anything else," Krist said softly.

"But Krist, you said you won't deny it, Now you're going back on your promise."

By now New already has tears in eyes because he can feel that once again his brother's protectiveness will not let him enjoy what life has to offer. New's knows that Krist loves him so much that's why he is protective and loves Krist a lot for always keeping him safe and giving all the love so that he doesn't feel alone after the death of their parents, but sometimes his overprotectiveness gets out of hand.

"I told you New, you're not going. Don't make me say it again." Krist said irritated.

"You always do this to me Krist, you never let me enjoy anything because you're so overprotective of me. I'm 20 years old and I can take care of myself" New shouted.

"And I will go on this trip, if you like it or not."

Now Krist really has to think about this, because he knows Newwie can be really rebellious from time to time and he always gets what he wants. So, Krist has to allow him or he will go on this trip without telling him.

"You can go" Krist said

"What, Really!!" New was shocked, how did brother allow him.

New may have shouted that he will go on this trip even if krist doesn't allow him, but that was just anger talking. Everyone knows that New will never disobey Krist even if it hurts him,because Krist is the only family he had and he knows Krist sacrificed a lot for him, never let him miss his parents, always there for him. So how can he disobey that person who does so much for him.

"Yes, you can go but i have a condition" Krist said

"Anything" New sounded so happy and excited.

"You have to take Gun with you."

"But, Krist I want to go alone" New pouted

"Yes or No Newwie, Your choice."

"Fine, I will take Gun with me." New said, not wanting his brother to change his mind.

"Ok, But even if Gun is there with you, you have to be careful." Krist said worriedly.

"I will, Thank You so much Krist, You're the best brother anyone could get." New said happily.

"Now, Go and change. I will ask the chef to set up the table." Krist said smiling at how happy his brother is.

"Ok, Bye see you at dinner." New exited the study skipping happily.

"Bye" Krist said, shaking his head and thinking if he had made the right decision to let New go on this trip.

The day of the trip

"Hurry up Gun, We're gonna get late" New shouted from downstairs.

"I'm coming, Hold your horses" Gun shouted back.

"New take care of yourselves and i better get a call every evening" Krist said to New.

"I will Krist. Don't Worry" New said

"Ok, Enjoy your trip and be safe" Krist said

New went and sit in the car waiting for Gun

"Gun please take care of him and call me if anything happens" Krist sounded worried.

"Don't worry Krist. I will take care of him, Nothing is gonna happen if I'm there" Gun assured Krist and then went and sat in the car.

"Bye Krist." New shouted from the window of the care.

"Bye Newwie, Take care and enjoy." Krist waved and smiled.

At the Airport

New and Gun arrived a little late and were running towards the boarding. New didn't see where he was going and crashed into someone standing there.

"Look where you going, Moron" Stranger shouted at New.

"Sorry, sorry" New apologised.


The stranger was a tall man. His tan skin and silky black hair dressed in a black suit. New was utterly stunned how someone can be this attractive. He left his train of thoughts when heard Gun calling his name.

"New, why are you spacing out, come on let's go we are already late."

"Yeah, come on"

Who do you think the Stranger is???

Hey Guys I know the chapters are short but trust me it will get better and you will see TayNew soon.

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