Hidden Leaf

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Naruto Uzumaki stood on top of the great stone faces and looked out over the Hidden Leaf Village.  He felt a great amount of pride as he did.  He was the Hokage, achieving his lifelong dream.  A smile crossed his features as the wind whipped past his cloak, causing it to flap in the wind behind him. This was his village and he would protect it with all he had in him.

"I thought I would find you up here," Kakashi Hatake said as he approached the younger man.

"Kakashi Sensei," Naruto greeted him before turning his eyes outward.  "I've waited for this moment for so long, it seems almost unreal."

Kakashi gave a soft chuckle, "I'm just glad that I am done with it."  He shoved his hands into his pockets as he looked out over the village next to his former student.  "Of course... if you ever need someone to talk to, I'll be available."

"Thanks, Sensei," Naruto responded with a smile.  "I'm sure I'll be asking you from time to time."

Kakashi started to say something else when a strange sort of crackling sound rippled through the air.  It sounded almost like his Chidori, sizzling electricity.  They both looked up and noticed what looked like a rift in the sky itself.  They had seen that before, during the Fourth Great Shinobi War.  Naruto instantly went into full chakra mode and Kakashi sprang into a defensive position, his Chidori sparking to life in his hand.

A very large object broke out of the split in the sky and came hurtling towards the rock face.  Kurama's tails snaked out of Naruto and grabbed the object before it could slam into where they had been standing.  He set it down on the stone ground behind them and they both looked up to where it had come from.  The rip in the sky was already closing.  They then looked towards the object that had pierced through the opening, hurtling towards them.

They exchanged a glance with one another before cautiously approaching it.  Naruto narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at it.

"It looks almost like a vehicle of some sort," he said softly.

Kakashi froze as he heard a sound that he should not have heard coming from it.  He raised his hand to Naruto, honing in on the sound before giving a soft curse and moving towards the vehicle at an increased pace.  Naruto quickly followed behind.  As they neared the vehicle, the sound of a child crying with loud screams became clearer.

The backside of the vehicle was crunched up and the door was sealed shut.  Kakashi could see the little girl inside the vehicle, looking at him desperately as she screamed.  She was obviously terrified.  "Hold on," he told the child.  "Naruto, can you get this door off?"

Naruto's tails snaked out once more and sunk into the metal, ripping the door off and throwing it to the side.  Kakashi reached inside and unbound the child from the restraints holding her before pulling her out into his arms.  Her little arms went around his neck and held on tight enough it almost choked him.

"Mama..." the little girl cried pointing back towards the car.

Naruto's blue eyes widened as he exchanged a glance with Kakashi.  He moved back to the vehicle, going through the opening that he had made to get the child out.  He froze as he saw the woman laying unmoving inside.  Her dark blonde hair was soaked with blood. He reached for her, placing his hand on her as he used his sage mode to assess her injuries. He gave a heavy sigh of relief when he saw that she was still alive. Once he assessed she was okay to move, he carefully took hold of her and pulled her out of the damaged vehicle.  He adjusted her in his arms and looked at Kakashi.

"I'm going to take her to the hospital.  She's got a pretty nasty blow to the head.  Can you bring her daughter?"

Kakashi gave a nod and Naruto flew into the air.  He adjusted the girl in his arms and leaned his head back to look at her.  Her bright green eyes were puffy from crying but she was giving him a big lopsided smile.  "I'm Kakashi, what is your name?"

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