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Six Years Later...

Kakashi lounged with his head in his wife's lap, her fingers rolling through his hair.  God he loved when she would do that.  The first time she had done it was the moment he realized he was falling in love with her.  Now after six years of marriage, he still relished when she would play with his hair.  It still effected him the way it always had in the past.  He looked up at her and grinned.  She was reading as she played with his hair, just as she had done that day.  However, she looked vastly different.

First, her hair had grown out considerably and now hung down to her mid-back.  The golden part shined in the sunlight.  Second, she had a little more meat on her bones.  It was inevitable after having four children.  He had not thought it was possible but she was actually more beautiful than when he had married her.  He loved every inch of her.

He shifted his eyes to Phoenix, who was now nine.  She was willowy, much like Lee had been when he first met her.  Many of her physical features resembled Lee, however, her coloring was definitely her father's people.  He was very proud of her.  She was a protégé at the Academy and had already earned the level of Chunin.  She already was off on missions with her team and today was a rare time when she was off for a little while.  She was indeed powerful as her Grandmother had foretold she would be.  She was also very kind and a very loving older sister to her siblings.

He shifted his eyes from Phoenix to his oldest son, Orion.  He was almost a carbon copy of himself in looks.  He had the same silver hair, gray eyes, and physical attributes.  He was also just as gifted as his older sister.  He would have been a Genin at five years of age already but Kakashi had put his foot down.  He wanted his son to have a childhood.  He then turned his attention to the twins, Michael and Serina, who were four.  Michael looked just like his mother.  He had the same color and shape of eyes, his nose and lips were also like hers, but his hair was very blond.  Lee had said that hers had been very blonde when she was a child as well but darkened over time.  Serina, however, looked like a female version of himself.  She had the silver hair of the Hatake clan and the gray eyes.  Yet her facial features were very similar to Lee's except for the shape of her eyes, which mirrored his own.  Lastly was the baby, and hopefully their last - he was worn out, Lily who had been named after Lee's mother.  She had the silver hair of the Hatake clan; however, her eyes were the same as her mothers as was the shape of her nose and lips.  She was the only child of his, however, that had the small mole just below her lips that he had and it was very cute on her little face.

Phoenix was always a huge help in keeping all the kids corralled.  They had bought a much larger house just outside of the village with plenty of yard for running and playing.  It was where they were currently lounging as the kids played.  Lee had been giving him funny looks all day and he was getting that sinking feeling.  As her eyes shifted down to him, he made a groan laugh.

"Out with it, Lee," he told her.

She bit her lower lip, "Well... Um... I went to see Sakura this morning...."

Kakashi gave an exhausted laugh, "Here I thought missions would be the death of me and instead it will be a horde of children."

She poked him, "You have no room to complain.  I'm the one that gives birth to that horde."

Kakashi chuckled, "And you do an admirable job."

Lee laughed and leaned down to kiss him softly, "Sakura says that you need to learn to keep your hands to yourself."

"Sakura can kiss my-" Kakashi grinned as she covered his mouth with her hand, which he nipped with his teeth and she retracted quickly with a laugh.  "Sorry, love, that isn't ever going to happen.  You make me wild."

Lee grinned as she looked at him, "I actually told her that I was the one that did the pouncing."

Kakashi laughed hard at the words.  They really were both terrible when it came to controlling themselves with each other.  It had gotten a bit tricky with all the kids running around under their feet but they still managed to find places to enjoy one another.

"Well... I guess the Hatake clan won't be dying out anytime soon," he chuckled.

Lee grinned at him and leaned down to give him a long kiss, "As it should be.  The world needs a Hatake always..."

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