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Kakashi stood under the hot water in his shower for a long time, a lot longer than was necessary in truth.  He did not even need to take a shower as he had taken one just that morning.  He turned the water off and stepped out, drying off then wrapping the towel around his waist.  The bathroom was steamy from the shower and he had to wipe a spot on the mirror to stare at his reflection.  He looked at his chin closely, debating as to whether or not he should shave.  He decided to do so and quickly lathered up before shaving off the little stubbles.  He then splashed some aftershave on and sprayed some cologne.  He had not taken this much time getting ready in as long as he could remember. He leaned forward to stare at himself in the mirror for a long time.  What was wrong with him?

He shook his head before pushing away from the mirror.  He knew what was going on and didn't want to think about it or admit to it.  He left the bathroom and went into his room, flipping through the clothes.  He scowled as he looked at them, not particularly feeling like wearing any one of them.  Why did he have so many pairs of tactical pants?  He finally found a pair of pants in the back that was not work related and pulled them on.  He then had the same problem with shirts before finding a light blue shirt in the back.  He wondered when the last time he had worn it was... he couldn't remember, it had to have been ages ago.  He pulled it on and buttoned it up, leaving the top three buttons open, before tucking it into his pants. He then rolled the sleeves up on both sides.  He grabbed a belt and threaded it through the loops on his pants.  He left his headband hanging on the hook but did grab his mask, pulling it on.  He raked his fingers through his hair a few times as he checked his image in the long mirror on the back of the closet door.  He gave a heavy sigh and put his face in his hand.

Damn.  How did this happen?  He groaned and almost decided to cancel.  Naruto's warning came back to him.  I think this could get complicated for you.  That was the understatement of the century.

Lee had no idea what Kakashi was thinking as she got dinner ready.  Phoenix was sitting in front of the television watching a children's program that was on and actually being quiet for once.  She popped the meal into the oven to keep it warm before taking the apron off and hanging it on the hook.  She set the table before heading back into the bathroom.  She washed her hands then stared at her image for a moment.

She really hated how short her hair was at that time.  At least it was not a buzz cut anymore but it really was not very flattering that short.  She had never had super short hair before, the shortest had been chin length when in high school.  So it bothered her to see it so short.  If it was not for her breasts, she'd be mistaken for a boy.  She made a face at her image then opened the cabinet behind the glass.  She grabbed some of her favorite spray and applied some.  She was certain after the day the smell had faded.  It was citrus scented body spray.  She loved the smell of citrus as it always seemed to pep her up.

"That smells good, what is it?"

Lee jumped at Kakashi's voice so close behind her.  His arms wrapped around her in the same moment and she gave a small laugh as he smelled her in an overdramatic way.  He really was a goof ball.

"Citrus zest," she responded as she wiggled in his arms.  "You scared the crap out of me."

"That was kind of the point," he responded in a teasing tone.  "You shouldn't leave your door unlocked.  What if I was a criminal?  I could be doing all kinds of perverted things to you right now if I was."

Lee laughed as he ran his chin across her neck just to prove his point.  "Argh... don't do that it tickles!"  Her eyes then widened, "Wait a minute... do you have your mask off?" She tried to turn to look at him and his gray eyes narrowed in amusement, but she couldn't quite turn her head enough to see him.  "Oh no, I have to see this."

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