Where Am I?

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Lee's head felt like it was going to explode as she slowly came out of the inky darkness.  She could not even remember what had happened, only that she felt like she had been put through a blender.  She was struggling to rise to the surface, to become aware.  She heard Phoenix's soft voice speaking at what seemed like a great distance, little giggles drifting on the wind.  Where am I?  Why do I feel like this?

"Phoenix..." she managed to say but still unable to open her eyes.  They felt so heavy.

Kakashi shifted as he heard the almost whisper coming from the bed.  He lowered his book that he had been reading while the little girl messed with his hair.  She was fascinated by it and had been putting hair ties that the medics had found for her in it.  He knew he looked ridiculous but it kept her busy while he was able to read.  She had been crawling all over him since she woke up.  He felt like a giant toy at this point.  Her mother better appreciate the fact he played babysitter all this time.  She wasn't a bad child really, he just wasn't used to children that young.

He turned towards her mother.  She had a large bandage around her head.  They had to open her skull to relieve the pressure from the blow she had sustained.  He had no doubt she was going to be in some serious pain once she came fully awake.  She shared many similarities in her features with her daughter.  He was curious as to whether or not she had the same green eyes as Phoenix.  Her coloring was different, though elsewhere, which was a bit intriguing since he assumed the little girl's father had similar coloring as himself.  Her brows were darker, while Phoenix's was red like her hair.  Her hair was a dark blonde... at least it had been until they had to shave it off for the surgery.  He remembered from before Naruto had flown off with her.  She was also not quite as pale as her daughter, her skin was more peach while Phoenix's was almost like porcelain with pink undertones.

Her eyes rolled under the lids before they finally cracked open.  She flinched a little and tried to raise her hand to her head and it thumped back to the bed.  "Phoenix?"

"Mama!" Phoenix howled and made like she was going to go to her.

"Whoa," Kakashi said, grabbing her about the waist to stop her.  "She's not ready for you to climb on her yet, Phoenix."

Lee flinched at the unfamiliar male voice.  Her vision was not the best and she felt like her skull had been cracked open.  She blinked a few times before it finally cleared enough for her to look towards them.  Phoenix was beaming as she looked at her.  The man holding her was definitely not someone she recognized.  He had silver hair that... oh good lord did Phoenix do that to him... hair ties all in it going in every conceivable direction.  His gray colored eyes looked tired and she got the immediate impression he was not used to children.  She would have laughed had she not been about to scream from the agonizing pain pulsing in her head.  There was something vaguely familiar about him but she was certain she had never met him.

"Phoenix is okay?" she managed to say.

"Yes, she was uninjured," he responded with a voice that sounded like peace itself.

Lee closed her eyes again, trying to remember exactly what happened.  They were on the bridge... there was an accident... she then gasped when it came back to her.  How did they survive the fall?  How was Phoenix uninjured?  She finally was able to raise her hand to her head and flinched as she felt bandages.  No wonder it felt like she had an axe to her head.

"Did... you... save us?" she managed to say.

"It's a long story," he responded.  "I don't think you're up to the whole thing yet."

Lee had to admit he was right.  She opened her eyes again and looked at Phoenix.  She motioned that it was okay for her to come over.  Kakashi released her and watched as she flew across the room to crawl up in the bed with her.  He wasn't sure that was the best idea but her mother didn't protest.  She touched her daughter's face, her eyes which were hazel in color not green, were moist as she looked at her.

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