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Yamato stilled in his movements as he sensed a presence coming.  Lee had gotten him to make a chessboard and pieces a few hours before and the two of them had been playing  since then.  It was a lot like Shogi.  Phoenix was playing in the corner with the wooden dolls he had made for her.  It had been an uneventful mission.  They were in one of Orochimaru's old hideouts.  At least the old snake had been useful for something.

"Someone is coming," he told Lee.  "You know the drill."

Lee nodded and quickly got up.  She gathered Phoenix up with her dolls and went to the hidden panel in the wall.  She touched it and it opened to a secret room.  She stepped inside and gave him a thankful look before closing the door.

Yamato waited patiently for the presence to arrive.  He relaxed instantly when he saw Kakashi.  "I was hoping that was you," Yamato said with a smile.  "It's okay, Lee!"

The hidden panel opened once more and she smiled when she saw Kakashi.  Phoenix howled "Daddy" before running across the room and jumping into his arms.  He held her tightly, closing his eyes.

"Have you been good?" he asked her.

"Uh huh," she answered.  

"That's my girl," he responded softly before setting her down after kissing her forehead.  He then took Lee in his arms and held her close.  "It's done, Lee."

Lee shook in his arms a bit before tightening her grip on him.  "Thank God it's over.  Are you okay?  You didn't get hurt any did you?"

Kakashi shook his head negatively.  "No, everything went off just as I planned.  They were completely taken by surprise and we eliminated them rather quickly.  Surprisingly quick after what Moira told me.  They must not be able to do substitution and clone Jutsu.  It completely took them by surprise that we were not you and Phoenix."  He looked to Yamato, "Everything go well here?"

"It was quiet... except for Phoenix," Yamato chuckled.  "I can see why you love that girl because she is like a ray of sunshine."

Kakashi grinned, "Yes, I never realized how much I needed a child in my life until she came into it.  You should settle down soon too, Tenzo."

Yamato face palmed, "I told you not to call me that."  He then laughed, "You're never going to stop are you?"

"Nope," Kakashi responded with a laugh.  "It's too ingrained in me now."

Lee was relieved when they finally were able to go home.  It did not take long for them to transfer their few belongings over to Kakashi's home.  She was surprised when she noticed that the paint inside was fresh and she gave him a look from across the room as he hung a picture that Phoenix had picked out from the market for her room months ago.  Her daughter was standing next to him, as if giving her critical analysis of how the painting was to be hung.

"When did you paint?" she asked him.

He glanced over his shoulder at her, his cheeks warming a little.  "After we went to the park that time.  I thought... maybe?"

Lee loved his bashfulness as he admitted to having the hope that they might have more than friendship.  She would always remember that day in the park and the way that his eyes had been so soft as he looked at her.

"Daddy, the voice wants to know if it is okay if she comes here," Phoenix suddenly said.

Kakashi flashed a glance to Lee, who nodded, then knelt in front of Phoenix.  He smiled at her, "Tell her yes and Phoenix... that voice is your grandma."

Phoenix tilted her head to the side, "What's a grandma?"

Kakashi smiled at the question, "A grandparent is someone who is the parent of your parent."

"Is she your parent?" she asked with wide eyes.

"No, she is the parent of your natural father," he replied. Phoenix looked confused and he smiled, smoothing her fair from her face.  "You'll understand better when you're older."

A portal opened in the room a moment later and Moira stepped through.  Lee could see Riley in her immediately with the same color of hair and eyes as he had possessed, the shape of her eyes and nose, the only difference was her hair had streaks of white threaded through it.  Those green eyes were just as sharp and striking as Riley's had been.  She possessed almost a regal energy upon her and she could see that she was indeed royalty.

Moira looked at Lee and smiled, her eyes watery.  "I'm sorry, dear, that it took all this time for us to meet properly."  She extended her hands to Lee and she took them, giving them a squeeze.  "Riley loved you very much to have married you."

Lee gave her a smile, "He was a wonderful man and he gave me a beautiful daughter."  She released the older woman's hands and turned to Phoenix, motioning her over.  "Phoenix, it's time you properly meet your voice."

Phoenix gave her a wide eyed look then smiled before running to her and reaching her arms up to her.  Moira did cry then as she scooped her up into her arms and held her tightly.  "My heart," Moira spoke softly through tears.  "Oh I've wanted to hold you for so long, Fire Bird."

Lee almost cried herself watching.  Kakashi wrapped an arm around her shoulders and held her close. 

"You are welcome here anytime," Kakashi told Moira.  "I'm sure Phoenix will want to see her Grandma often."

Moira laughed softly and kissed the side of Phoenix's head.  "Thank you, I'm going to make sure to do so often now that the danger is passed. Perhaps you can come visit us from time to time as well."

Kakashi squeezed Lee's shoulder and gave Moira a nod.  "Yes, I think that Phoenix will need to know both worlds."

Moira gave them a grateful smile before pulling back to look at Phoenix.  "I have a few gifts for you.  I think you'll like them."

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