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Kakashi was good to his word, everyday about midday he brought Phoenix around.  She loved the family she had been staying with.  The first day she had excitedly told her about how Naruto had flown them through the air like a bird.  Lee was not sure she liked the sound of that but Phoenix had been so excited, she could not dampen her enthusiasm.  She claimed that Himawari was her "bestest friend" in the world.  It lightened Lee's heart to hear that as Phoenix had not connected with many children in their world. Naruto's wife, Hinata, had stopped by once in the week with Phoenix when Kakashi had been busy with something else.  Lee really liked the other woman.  She had such a peaceful spirit about her that it was hard to not like her.  Himawari had been with her and Lee really liked her as well as she had a bright and cheerful spirit about her.

Lee's bandages were supposed to come off today and she was almost sick, wondering what her head would look like uncovered.  Her head itched bad and they promised they would wash her head before she saw it.  Hinata had brought a scarf for her, in case she wanted to cover her head after the bandages were taken off.  She was supposed to be discharged today as well.  She was nervous about starting all over.  Hinata had assured her that Naruto had arranged for some housing for them.  She just needed to find some kind of work in the village and quick.  The medics came in, ready to remove the bandages.  She took a fortifying breath before nodding.

Kakashi was across town with Naruto discussing Lee's housing and employment situation.  Whether he wanted to admit it or not, the little family had grown on him.  Phoenix was impossible to not love, even if she was a little bit of a brat from time to time.  She had wiggled her way into his heart whether he liked it or not.  Lee was a unique blend of sweet and savvy.  He could tell that the darker parts of herself she kept buried deep down in a place no one was ever allowed to broach.  Much like himself.  Perhaps that was why he had come to enjoy her friendship.  He had come by a few nights before with Shogi, explaining the game to her, and it did not take long for her to figure it out.  She had a sharp mind, had even beat him once at it.

"You want me to do what?" Naruto said with raised brows.

"This house will be much better suited for Lee and Phoenix than the refugee apartments," Kakashi responded.  "They've had a hard enough time of it, they deserve at least a place where they don't have to worry about possible criminal elements. And a place where Phoenix can run and play."

"But out of your own money, Kakashi?" Naruto stared at him wide eyed.

Kakashi shrugged, "It's just until they get on their feet.  I have more money than I'll ever use before I die.  I'd prefer you didn't tell Lee I'm paying the rent. I have a feeling she would be very angry if she knew.  She doesn't like to accept help from anyone."

"That's going to cause more talk, especially with the house being almost right next to your own," Naruto warned.  "You know everyone thinks she's your daughter and Lee is your lover already."

He shrugs, "I've had worse things thought about me than being a father and lover.  And, how would they know unless you tell someone?"

"For one the convenience of the house being so close to your own.  I don't know Kakashi sensei... I think this could get complicated for you," Naruto looked at him.  "It's not like you to be like this."

Kakashi gave a slight chuckle and rubbed the back of his neck.  "It's Phoenix.  She's wormed her way into my heart.  She's quite persistent and... I enjoy spending time with her.  It's completely selfish on my part."

Naruto chuckled and gave a nod, "I kind of understand that. Himawari and her are almost inseparable now.  She's a pretty good kid, minds well and doesn't throw tantrums.  Has a little bit of energy but nothing like Boruto."  He gave a sigh, "Fine.  I'll think of something to say about it but don't blame me if this blows up in your face later."

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