Pragma Pt. 2

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"I think we are a little more than friends, Lee," Kakashi spoke softly, his eyes looking at her rather intently.

Lee gave a nervous laugh, looked about the room for a moment before pulling the sheet down to give him a quick kiss on the lips.  She frowned as she pulled back.  A concerned expression crossed her features as she placed the back of her hand on his forehead. "You're burning up, Kakashi. That isn't good."  She pulled the sheet back up.  "I swear, what the hell is wrong with them?"

She slid off the bed and went to the door. She poked her head out and spoke to the nurses just outside. He smiled slightly as she ordered them about, advocating for him. A moment later she returned to his side with a clean cloth, a packet of pain killer, a cup of cold water, and a small bowl with water. She took the pain killer and dumped it into the water, stirring it inside.

"Honestly, you'd think they'd be watching you closer," she muttered.  "Do you need help sitting up?  Don't worry about the sheet, I told them to knock before coming in."

"Maybe a little," he responded.

Lee maneuvered around to where she could help prop him up a bit.  She winced as he made a small hiss and the blanket slipped enough that she could see his bandaged side.  It was a long strip of bandage and she could see blood beneath the top layers that extended the length of the bandage.  She closed her eyes, imagining what the wound itself looked like.

"I'm sorry," she whispered as she turned to get his medicated water.  "Hopefully this will help with the pain too."

Kakashi took the glass from her and drank the water down, ignoring the bitter taste.  "I've still a mind to knock Naruto's block off.  You should not have come all this way by yourself."

Lee laughed softly as she took the glass from him, "Kakashi... who but dignitaries or people of importance travel with an escort?  I'm nobody."

"You're not nobody, you're mine." 

Lee rose her brows at the possessive tone.  She then laughed softly and cupped the side of his face as she rubbed his jawline with her thumb.  "I think the fever is cooking your brain a little bit.  I'm here safe and sound, stop being a goof.  Have these people at least fed you today?  You should eat so that your wound gets the energy it needs to repair."

"I've ate," he responded.

Lee stared at him for a long moment.  He was damn handsome, even when he was injured and recovering.  She bit her lower lip as memories from their night together rolled through her brain and she felt a blush rise to her cheeks as she turned away so he wouldn't know what she had been thinking about.  She busied herself with the cloth, dipping it into the water then wringing it out.

"I love you," he suddenly said.

Lee blinked and slowly turned to look at him.  His eyes had that soft quality to them again like they had that day at the park.  He could not mean it the way that she had hoped he meant it.  She smiled at him, "I love you, too."  

She started to put the cool cloth to his forehead and he grabbed her wrist, forcing her to look at him. He laughed softly, shaking his head.  Leave it to Lee to completely miss what he was meaning.

"Lee, I mean that I am in love with you," Kakashi clarified.

She felt her heart jump up into her chest as she stared into his gray eyes.  She felt her eyes burn a little and her hands shook.  She gave him a watery smile, "I'm in love with you too.  I was scared to tell you.  Especially after the whole friends with benefits thing..."

Kakashi laughed and pulled her towards him, ignoring the pain in his side as he wrapped his arms around her.  He was so relieved that he had not ruined their relationship, he felt like he could melt into the bed.  He had not missed the look she had given him as she looked at his body before turning away, a blush riding on her cheeks.  He was horrified when he blurted out what was in his heart in reaction to her appraisal.

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