Philia Pt. 3

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Lee could not believe how different her life was from a month ago.  She had a job that she loved that did not drain a part of her soul every time she walked into the place.  Phoenix was blossoming at the Day Care, making a number of friends - although her favorite would always be Himawari and they had a play date every few days.  Lee had gotten close with Hinata during that time.  She was one of the sweetest women she had ever known in her life.  She had the stitches removed as well and her hair was starting to grow out... slowly.

Then there was Kakashi.

He was a constant in their lives now.  She had cooked him dinner a few days after they had gotten settled into the house and she had filled their cabinets.  It had been amusing watching him eating with the mask.  She was not sure what he was hiding under there but he was rather funny keeping it on even then.  Maybe he had a germ phobia?  The next day, Phoenix had seen him in his backyard when they had been outside and had yelled for him to come over and bring his dogs.  He had hopped the fence then startled the hell out of her when he had bit his finger, pulled a scroll out to smear the blood on it, before a big poof happened and her yard was filled with dogs of all shapes and sizes.  He had given her a laughing look while Phoenix had been in love, throwing her arms around every single one of those dogs.  The next day he invited them over for dinner, which had been amazing.  Who knew the man could cook?

So started the pattern of them hanging out every night, either at their place or his.  They had a lot of fun together and of course, Phoenix absolutely loved him.  He had even started teaching her some hand signs and talking to her about chakra.  Lee was not sure that was even something Phoenix could do since they were from another world but Kakashi was very patient with Phoenix and seemed to be really enjoying teaching her.

As she had suspected, he was just as lonely as she had been and their friendship really did fill in those places.  She could honestly say she had never had a friend as close as him.  Only Riley had been closer but that was a completely different kind of relationship.  Kakashi was just a friend and she was happy to have him as one.  They made fun of the assumptions the people in the village made of them.  It was almost a game to them trying to confuse them at this point.  Sometimes she would grab his hand as if they were a couple.  His eyes would be laughing knowing exactly what she was doing.  Other times he would throw his arm across her shoulder and she would laugh at the double takes the villagers would make.  They really had the village on their ear trying to figure them out and it was hilarious to them.  They both had that off beat sense of humor and the village was playing right into it for them.

The only ones that knew the truth was those closest to Kakashi and herself.  All of the former Team 7, Might Guy - who she absolutely loved as he helped them with the game one day, Hinata and Iruka.  No one else had a clue and so it was a big game.  At the moment, they were actually having a bit of fun with the locals at the park.

The day was gorgeous with the brilliant blue sky above, big puffy clouds lazily rolling past, while a gentle breeze kept the day from feeling sweltering beneath the warm rays of the sun.  Phoenix was on the playground equipment, laughing and having a great time with the other kids.  Kakashi was laying in the grass, reading one of his books with his head in her lap.  She was reading another one of his Icha, Icha books having finished the first one.  That had been a hilarious conversation afterwards as he had been quite red as they talked about the book.  She had teased him mercilessly.  She loved watching him turn all red and flustered.  It was such a rare state that it tickled her endlessly to rattle him.

Lee absently ran her fingers through his hair as they read.  Every so often she would look up to check on Phoenix before turning her attention back to the book.  She glanced down at him and was surprised to see he was staring at her.  His gray eyes had an almost soft look to them.  She stilled her hand in his hair, the soft locks were cool against her fingertips.

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