Ludus Pt. 2

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Lee could not remember having quite as much fun as they did that night.  It was almost like they were a family.  Phoenix was the star as she chattered non-stop with Kakashi as she ate, only taking long enough to swallow her food while she kept going.  It was different watching the various expressions cross his features now that the mask was gone.  She had spied it on the counter earlier, so he must have decided to take it off after getting here earlier.  She was having a hard time not staring at him and had almost got caught a couple times.

They were now all sitting on the couch watching a show with Phoenix who looked like she was finally getting tired.  Lee winked at Kakashi as she lifted her up.  "Okay, time for you to go to bed."

Phoenix's eyes widened, "No...."

"Yes," Lee said while wrinkling her nose at her.  "It's definitely time."

"Mama..." Phoenix whined.  "Will you sing a song for me first?"

Lee smiled and gave a nod.  "Okay, if you promise to not fight me."

"Promise," she responded with a yawn.  "Horses song."

"I'll be back in a little while then we can watch the movie," she told Kakashi as she hauled Phoenix off into her bedroom.

Phoenix gave him a sleepy wave as they disappeared around the corner.  Kakashi stood and went to the player attached to the television.  He turned it on and got the disk ready.  He then heard soft guitar strumming and stilled.  He had forgotten that she played the guitar.  He quietly went to stand next to the door to the side, so he would not disturb them and listened to her play and sing softly to Phoenix.  It was beautiful.


Hush-a-bye, don't you cry,
Go to sleep my little baby.
When you wake you shall have
All the pretty little horses.
Dapples and grays, pintos, and bays,
All the pretty little horses.
Way down yonder, in the meadow,
Poor little baby crying ma-ma,
Birds and the butterflies flutter 'round his eyes,
Poor little baby crying ma-ma.
Hush-a-bye, don't you cry,
Go to sleep my little baby.
When you wake you shall have
All the pretty little horses.
Dapples and grays, pintos and bays,
All the pretty little horses.
Hush-a-bye, don't you cry,
Go to sleep my little baby.

Songwriters: Peter Yarrow, Paul Stookey

Kakashi glanced in as she strummed the last and smiled as he saw Phoenix was fast asleep.  He moved away from the wall and quickly went back to sit down on the couch so Lee wouldn't know he had listened to her playing.  She quietly came back out and pulled her door closed behind her.  She gave him a brief smile, her cheeks a little flushed as if she knew he had been listening.

"I'm going to get something to drink.  Do you want anything?" she asked softly.

"Water would be good," he responded, watching her.  He shifted on the couch, it was the first time they had actually been alone and not in public.  Phoenix had always been a barrier between them.  He was suddenly questioning the wisdom of watching the Icha, Icha movie with her alone.  Especially with the way he was starting to feel towards her.  "If you're tired we can always do this another time."

Lee gave him a funny look, "You know it's only eight right?"  She narrowed her eyes on him as a smile twisted her lips up as she set the glasses on the table next to the couch, "Or are you feeling tired, old man?"

It was a challenge and they both knew it.  "I'll show you old man," he growled before grabbing her by the waist and yanking her down into his lap.  She laughed as he started tickling her mercilessly.  He had her trapped and she was breathing hard by the time he let up.  "Apologize or round two shall commence."

"You're going to wake Phoenix..." she breathed out instead.

"A small concession if I don't get that apology," he countered.  "And if memory serves... you're only a few years younger than I am."

Lee laughed, "Okay... you're not an old man... yet." Kakashi flexed his fingers on her hips and she laughed as he hit one of her ticklish spots.  "Oh stop that!  We're never going to get that movie watched you keep that up."

"Then quit being a brat," he responded close to her ear.

Lee turned to look at him and laughed, "I have so much fun with you.  I'm glad we are friends. I can't imagine having fun like this with anyone else."

"Me either," he agreed.  "Shall we watch the movie?"

Lee tried to stand up and he kept her anchored back against him.  She turned to look at him over her shoulder.  He grinned at her.  "What's the point in having a friend of the opposite sex if you can't cuddle while watching a movie?"

"I don't know if that's exactly a good idea," she responded with a laugh.  "I've never known a guy who just wants to cuddle."

He raised a brow at her, "Are you saying I have other intentions for you?"

"Cuddling is a little beyond a friendzone thing and you know it," she responded with a laugh.  "What are you about, Kakashi?  You got some kind of tease in mind."

He shrugged, "I just thought it would be nice to cuddle.  I've never done it before."

Lee tilted her head at him and gave a nervous laugh, "Okay but if you get fresh, I'm going to box your ears."

Kakashi flashed her a big smile and released her so she could start the movie.  He shifted his position so she could sit between his legs and rest her back against his chest.  He wrapped his arms around and rested his chin on her shoulder.  "Comfortable, right?"

"It is for me," she responded a little breathless.  "Are you sure you're comfortable?"

"MmmHmm," he said as the movie started.

Lee had to admit it felt nice to be held.  It had been such a long time.  She relaxed after a while and settled in as she watched the movie.  Kakashi smiled as he felt her fully relax against him.  He was enjoying holding her and that citrus smell was making him almost a little crazy.  He wanted to pull her even closer but didn't dare.  He already was a little aroused and was not about to let her know that.  They were about halfway through the movie when he noticed her breathing had changed.  He shifted and looked down at her face.  He almost laughed, she had fallen asleep.  She had called him "old man" when she was the one that had pulled an "old lady" move.

Kakashi carefully shifted on the couch and turned her so that she was laying on him.  Her face was pressed against his chest.  One of her arms was now slipped down along his side closest to the back of the couch while the other rested across his waist.  He smiled while reaching up and getting the blanket on the back of the couch and covering them both with it.  He probably should have just carried her to her room but he was not wasting an opportunity to cuddle through the night.  He had never cuddled another human in his life and it was so comforting he was not ready to relinquish her.  He kissed the top of her head. He flipped the television off before wrapping his arms around her again and then closing his eyes.  She might beat him in the morning but he was willing to take that chance.

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