Strike Back

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Kakashi sent a message to Naruto after assuring that they were well secured in the Hot Springs for the time being.  He was still burning in his anger that someone would threaten Phoenix.  They would regret doing that, he would make sure of that.  He shuddered when he thought about if they had not come to his world.  They both would have been killed.  Riley had been foolish if he thought they would be protected by his death.  He was not sure if he killed himself or if he had been murdered.  The single message, "I'm sorry", could have been for either situation.  

He did not like being blind on information.  The most powerful resource a Shinobi had was information.  He still could not figure out how they discovered they were here unless... Was it possible that they had been from this world after all?  There were infinite worlds, how could they have pinpointed her in this one unless they were from this world?  Or was that part of their powers?

That then begged the question, who were they and what was this Ninjutsu they were using.  Why had they been in Lee's world to begin with?  How did Lee get caught up in this whole thing?  As much as he turned it over in his mind, he could come up with no answers.  Then there was the voice Phoenix heard... who was that?

He had a plan to lure them out but he was going to need help.  Since they had no idea who was actually targeting Phoenix or what their abilities were, he did not want to make any kind of mistake and they get away to only come back later.  No, once they had them they had to be eliminated once and for all.  He would need help to pull this off effectively.

Kakashi shifted his eyes over to Phoenix, who was kicking her little legs in the hot water.  He smiled slightly at her exuberance. Lee was sitting next to her, a towel wrapped around her torso.  She was just dipping her legs in the water since she was pregnant and it was so hot.  It was their own private hot spring, so he did not have to worry about prying eyes for the moment.  He had kept his underwear on because of Phoenix and approached the spring.  He could do nothing until everyone gathered so he was going to relax with his family.

"I sent a message to Naruto," he told Lee as he sunk into the water with a heavy sigh.  "I expect we should hear something in the next hour or so."

"Hmm, I wish I could sink into this water," Lee said with some jealousy as she eyed him.  "Maybe after our little one is here, we can come back?"

"Absolutely," Kakashi promised.  "Hot Springs are my favorite vacationing spot."  He moved close to her and took one of her feet in his hands before slowly messaging it.  "I can make up for not getting in, though, if you'd like.  I give great body rubs."

Lee chuckled, "Oh really?  And who told you they were great?"

Kakashi's eyes narrowed slightly while his lips kicked up, "Wouldn't you like to know."

Lee splashed him a bit for that teasing and he laughed.  He then took her second foot and repeated the process.  She had to admit, he had amazing hands.  His gray eyes shifted to Phoenix as she kicked her feet in the water again.  They had gotten a little shorts and tank top outfit for her from the gift shop for the water since they had nothing with them.

"Do you want to get in the water?" he asked her, extending his hands to her.

She sprung into his arms and then slapped the top of the water with her hand.  A spray went up and blasted him in the face.  Lee laughed hard at the expression that crossed his features.  Phoenix giggled and went to do it again.  Kakashi tossed her up in the air before she could, causing her to shriek with laughter in response.

"Think that was funny do you?" he asked Phoenix once he caught her again.

"Again!" she howled.

Lee laughed as she watched Kakashi toss her up in the air again and catch her easily.  She was amazed at how natural it was for him to be a father.  She placed her hand over her stomach, not feeling the fear that she used to fear of being with someone other than Riley and having a child.  Kakashi obviously loved Phoenix like his own.  His expression when he had told her of the situation had been one of fury.  His anger was almost scary because it was not flashy or showy.  It was cold and lethal.  She had no doubt that he would take care of any threat to Phoenix, whom he considered his child.

Phoenix had just wrapped her arms around Kakashi's neck when all of a sudden she froze.  Her green eyes looked very far away.  Lee almost jumped into the water as it was an expression she had never seen before.  Kakashi gave her a look and raised a finger as he gave Phoenix a very probing look.  The little girl then blinked as she looked at him.

"Daddy, the voice says that you have to meet tonight."

Lee felt a chill go down her spine.  Kakashi kept his face calm but Lee could see his attention was sharpened.  He smiled at her, "Oh?  The voice wants to meet huh?"

"Yup," Phoenix said as she played with the top of the water before going still again.  She blinked then nodded before looking at him again.  "At the grave after it gets dark."

Lee had to hand it to Kakashi, he had a way of keeping his cool.  She would not have been as placid looking as he was as he held Phoenix and was being given instructions.  She was shaking as she watched the exchange.

"Tell them I will be there," he responded softly.

Phoenix closed her eyes then smiled.  "They're very happy, Daddy."  She leaned her head against his shoulder and started playing with his hair again.  "Daddy?"

"Yes, sweetheart?"

"Why didn't I have silver hair too?"

Kakashi laughed, "You like that color do you?"

"Mmm Hmm," she nodded.

"Well your hair is very special too," he told her with a grin.  "There are hardly anyone in the village with hair that is red and gold like yours."

Phoenix leaned up and yawned.  Kakashi looked at Lee who extended her hands to take her from him.  She then got up and took her into the main part of the room to lay down with her on the bed.  Phoenix made protesting sounds but within a few minutes she was out cold.  Lee slipped out of the bed and went back to the water.  She slid her legs into the water and Kakashi moved over to stand between them, his eyes serious as he looked at her.

"So this voice she has been hearing is a person..." he spoke softly.  "So far they have proven themselves to be a friend not a foe but I'm not going to lie, I don't like not knowing who I will be meeting."

Lee placed her hands on his shoulders, "This scares me, Kakashi.  How can they talk to my daughter like this?  I thought maybe it was a ghost... perhaps even Riley... talking to her all this time..."

"It very well might be," he responded.  "Spirits have a tendency of making their presence in the darkness of night."

Lee rolled her eyes at him and shoved him a bit.  "This is no time to be joking."

Kakashi leaned forward, placing his hands on either side of her hips.  She felt her face flush as his abdomen pressed against her.  His lips were curled up, "Hmm.  You are correct, this might be the perfect time to have our nap."

Lee wrapped her arms around his neck, "Our child is literally only a hundred feet away.'

He brushed her mouth with his own, "And she's asleep...  We can be very quiet."

Lee was amused at his insistence and when he kissed her deeply, she was lost to any resistance.  Being quiet was never so hard. 

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