Morning Light

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Kakashi slept deep and hard, so hard that he did not dream which was unusual for him.  He woke just before dawn and turned his head to look at Lee who was curled up next to him.  He pressed a soft kiss on her lips before slipping out of the bed.  He pulled on his pants and shirt, not even bothering to button it.  He gathered his stuff together and slipped out of the bedroom.  He paused for a minute before leaving, checking that Phoenix was still sleeping.  He smiled slightly as he looked at her.  She was curled up into a ball, her blanket kicked to the floor.  He quietly moved inside and covered her up before heading back out and through the back door.  He almost made it back to his place unspotted when he heard a throat clearing as he reached for the handle to his door.

"Good Morning, Kakashi," Yamato's voice reached him with humor laced in the words.

"Tenzo," he responded, just to goad the other man. Yamato scowled at his use of the name but for once didn't say anything about not using it.  "Is something wrong?"

"Must be for Naruto to pull me off watching Orochimaru," Yamato responded.  "He asked me to collect you on my way in."

"Have you been here long?"

Yamato chuckled, "Long enough.  I thought you two were 'just friends', when did this happen?"

Kakashi sighed, "We are 'just friends' still according to her."

Yamato laughed, "How does that work?"

"The hell I know," he muttered.  "Give me a minute to shower real fast and change."

Kakashi normally would have blown someone else off at the questions, but Yamato was one of his best friends.  If he was going to get caught, he was glad it was him and not someone else. Yamato knew how to keep his mouth shut.  He quickly grabbed a change of clothes and showered.  He felt completely relaxed as if he had been bottled up for a long time and the cork had been pulled.  He smiled as he thought about Lee but he was unsettled.  His emotions ran deep for her, so much so that if she would have him, he would marry her and truly be Pheonix's Daddy.  Lee was jaded though.  Her husband killing himself had really broken her in that way.  The best he could hope for was to play the role without anything official.  He sighed, not liking that in the least but resigned to the fact.  Naruto had no idea just how complicated things would become... especially now.

He wanted nothing more than to tell Naruto to find someone else for whatever task was looming and to go crawl back in bed with Lee.  He didn't feel like getting in the trenches again, especially not now when he was starting to get something good in his life.  Yamato was staring out the window towards the house next door.

"Your girlfriend is up," he told him.  "You might want to tell her that you might be gone for awhile.  I have a feeling we're going to be leaving immediately."

"I told you, she's not my girlfriend," he said as he pulled on his sandals.

"You're just having sex," Yamato stated bluntly.

Kakashi felt his cheeks warm, "Just last night.  She calls it 'Friends with Benefits'."

Yamato shook his head at him, "Is that what you really want?  I know you, Kakashi.  You've never just slept around.  She has to mean more to you than that."

Kakashi gave a heavy sigh as he finished taping off his leg and wrapping his utility pack about his waste.  "I love her."

Yamato gave him a sympathetic look, "You should tell her then."

Kakashi shook his head, "No.  That would definitely ruin things."

"It's going to ruin things if you aren't out with how you feel, Kakashi," Yamato responded.  "Even I know that and I have about as much experience as you do with relationships."

Kakashi scowled at him but didn't say anything.  He knew his friend was right but he also knew how Lee would take that.  "I'll meet you out front.  Give me a minute."

Yamato shook his head but start towards the front of the house.  Kakashi hurried next door, vaulting over the fence before knocking lightly on the back door.  Lee opened it with a big smile on her face.

"Hey, you kinda scared me running off like that," she said as she looked up at him.  "Are you okay? You're not freaked out or feeling awkward or anything are you?"

He smiled at her concern, "I'm better than okay.  I just didn't want Phoenix to see me skulking out of your bedroom."

Lee blushed at the words then giggled her eyes brightening, "Ah... okay.  She'll be up shortly.  Do you want to have breakfast with us?"

"I wish I could," he answered in all honesty.  "But Naruto has summoned me.  I might be leaving for a little while.  He doesn't call me in unless something is really wrong."

A look crossed her face that he couldn't quite identify and she stepped outside, shutting the door behind her.  "Promise me you'll be careful," she finally said.  

"I promise," he responded softly, tugging his mask down before framing her face to give her a long kiss.  "I'll see you first thing when I get back.  Tell Phoenix I'll miss her."

Lee watched him go with a sinking feeling in her gut.  She bit her lower lip, not stepping back inside until he disappeared completely from view.  She had seen Yamato jogging alongside him and that gave her even more concern.  She knew he was on special assignment and for him to be called in as well, it had to be very dangerous wherever they were going.  She could not stop the rising panic coming up within her.  The thought that she might not see him again made her feel like she would hyperventilate.

She closed her eyes in horror as she realized why it was terrifying her so much.  She was in love with him.  She knew she loved him as a friend and companion.  But she loved him, loved him.  As she thought about it, she had for a while but she had been ignoring the feelings.  Having sex last night had just brought them to the surface.  Her hands started shaking.  The last man she loved died.  She wondered if history was going to repeat itself.

"Mama?" Phoenix's sleepy voice penetrated through the terror that was rising in her.

Lee could not give in to the emotions she was feeling.  She forced them down to a manageable level before forcing a smile on her face.  "Hey sweetie, did you sleep good?"

Phoenix yawned, "Uh huh."

"I have something to tell you," Lee said as she scooped her up and walked with her into the kitchen.  "Kakashi is going away for a little while."

Phoenix frowned at her, "Going where?"

"Himawari's daddy has a mission for him.  I don't know where he's going exactly but it might be a little while before we see him.  He told me to tell you that he will miss you."

"I miss him now," Phoenix pouted.

"Me too, honey," Lee whispered and held her close. "Are you hungry?"

"Little," Phoenix responded, still pouting.

Lee groaned inwardly.  Phoenix adored Kakashi above everyone else.  This was exactly what she had tried to avoid but if she was honest, it was already too late.  She was so attached to him.  She silently prayed that he would return home safe for both their sakes.  If something happened to him, Phoenix would be devastated.

"How about we get dressed and go into town for breakfast?"

Phoenix shrugged and Lee pressed her forehead against hers.  "He'll be back, Phoenix."

"I love him," Phoenix responded.

"I know, sweetheart, I love him too," she responded.

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