Shadows of the Past

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Phoenix let out a loud yell as she saw them and came running from Naruto's backyard as they approached the home.  It was day three since they had left the hospital as their progress back had not been as fast as Lee's progress to the hospital.  Lee's mouth dropped open when Phoenix bypassed her and went straight for Kakashi.  He laughed and swung her up into the air before settling her on his hip opposite of his injury.  She kissed his cheek and then laid her head on his shoulder, her little arms wrapped tight around his neck.

"I missed you, Daddy," she said softly.

"I missed you too, sweetheart," he responded.  "Phoenix we have something to tell you."

She lifted her head and stared at him.  Kakashi glanced towards Naruto who was approaching before looking her in the eyes, "Your Mama and I got married.  So I really am your Daddy now."

Phoenix gave him a big smile, "I told you."

Kakashi laughed and ruffled her hair, "Yes, you did tell me.  I should listen to you more carefully in the future, huh?"

She gave him a nod them leaned towards his ear to whisper, "Mama is having a baby boy."

Kakashi leaned back to look at her then laughed, "Is that so?"

Phoenix nodded then leaned forward to whisper again, "I'll be a good big sister, promise."

Kakashi kissed her forehead, "I know you will sweetheart."

Naruto looked ready to burst when Kakashi finally looked over at him.  "Did I hear right?"

"Yes, we got married there," Kakashi responded before he put his hand on the back of Naruto's neck and moved him away from Lee as Hinata came up to her with a hug.  "Naruto... you let Lee walk all the way there by herself?"

"I had a couple of Genin following her discreetly," Naruto said with a nervous laugh as he shrugged out of his Sensei's grip.  "Once she got there, they reported back."

Kakashi gave a long sigh then chuckled, "I thought you had lost your mind."

"Lee would have been mad if she had known," Naruto told him.  "So, I let her think she was off on her own."

Kakashi gave him a half-lidded smile, "Thank you.  I appreciate it.  I was not very happy when I thought she had come alone."

Naruto laughed and put his hand on the back of his neck still feeling his fingers there, "I imagine you were.  I would have been, too, if it had been Hinata."  He smiled at him with a goofy smile, "So you got married rather quickly, Sensei."

"Mama is having a baby," Phoenix said with a grin.  "I'm gonna have a little brother."

Naruto chuckled as Kakashi's face got a little red.  He clapped Kakashi on the shoulder.  "I'm happy for you, old man.  I didn't think you'd ever get married let alone have a kid."

"I have two kids," Kakashi said with a grin at Phoenix.  "This one and the one on the way."

Naruto laughed, "You know everyone will always believe she is really yours."

Kakashi gave him a slight smile, "That's because she is.  Phoenix Hatake, has a nice ring to it doesn't it?"

Phoenix giggled and then hugged his neck tight, "Can we go home, Daddy?"

"Yes, I'm about ready for a nap," Kakashi responded loud enough for Lee to hear. "And we got to start moving all your stuff over to my place.  I'm kinda glad now we are literally next door to each other.  This will be a lot easier."

Naruto laughed,  "Always planning ahead sensei?"

Kakashi grinned then looked at Phoenix.  She was adorable with her head on his shoulder.  "You know you didn't even say anything to your Mama."

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