Philia Pt. 2

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Kakashi was watching Lee as they stopped in front of the house.  Her mouth was hanging partly open as Phoenix moved the latch on the white fence outside and ran inside.  The little girl was running around the yard as if she had won a race.  Lee had a stunned look on her face.  The home was not fancy by any means.  It was rather small actually but the roof was good as was the foundation.  He had checked it all out before approaching Naruto.

Naruto was right, it was totally out of character for him.  Yet something about this little family was wrapped around his heart.  He didn't like the idea of them being crammed into the refugee apartments, which were known to have some rough elements from time to time, even if it was for a short period.  The way that Phoenix was running around the yard made him feel good inside.  He hadn't done a whole lot he felt good about in his life but watching her obviously loving having her own yard, made an impact on him.


Kakashi met her eyes and raised a brow, "Hmm?"

"Why are you doing this?  What is in it for you?"  Lee stated bluntly, not mincing her words.  "And don't tell me you aren't the benefactor because I know you are."

Kakashi gave a soft chuckle.  Damn, she was smart.  He rubbed the back of his neck as he watched Phoenix running around.  "Honestly, I've not done too many things in my life that I'm proud of and I'm pretty self-centered most of the time.  But Phoenix... she's wiggled into my heart.  I couldn't stand the thought of either of you being in the refugee apartments.  I don't have a family of my own, I'm the last of my clan.  When I die, the money I have will probably just be dispersed into the village.  So... It is nothing for me to help you two now.  It's probably still selfishness but it makes me feel good being able to do something good that doesn't involve killing someone."

Lee tilted her head to the side as she looked at him.  She could tell he was being sincere.  He was a completely different breed of man, that she was certain of without question.  She wondered if he was just as lonely as she was in life.  It was hard to walk alone without someone to talk to or come home to each day.  Even if it was your own choice, it was still a hard road.  Perhaps they could be the kind of friends that filled in that hole to each other.  She knew she was going to shock him but she did it anyways.  She hugged him.

"Thank you, Kakashi," she whispered.  "You are going to always be in my heart for this."

He hesitated as if not knowing what to do before returning the hug.  He chuckled, "Well, if anything we've confirmed the rumors now."

Lee laughed hard and leaned back to look up at him.  "Good.  If they think we're an item, others will leave us the hell alone."

Kakashi laughed at the logic, "I suppose that is true.  At least the ones that don't know the truth that is."

She released him and glanced up and down the block.  "So which one is yours?"  Lee started laughing hard when he pointed at the house that was literally next door.  "Oh Kakashi that's hilarious.  I'd have to be an idiot to not know you did this.  You're precious, you know that?  I do believe you are now my very best friend in this world."

Kakashi smiled that half-lidded smile of his as he followed her into the yard to examine the rest of the house.  It was small but perfect for them.  They each had their own bedroom, which was a huge change for them.  They were on opposite ends of the small home.  In the center of the small home the kitchen and living area were open to one another and there was even a washer and dryer unit.  It was compact but perfect.

"You have to let me make you dinner sometime this week, as a thank you," Lee said.

Kakashi laughed, "Okay.  I'm not one to turn down a home cooked meal."

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