Pragma Pt. 4

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Lee woke up so aroused she thought she was going to die.  She then realized the reason she was so aroused was the pair of lips that were sucking on her neck and the hands that were moving over her body.  Kakashi chuckled softly as he realized she was finally awake, "I was wondering when you were going to wake up."

"Kakashi, what in the world... we're in a hospital!"

"And I'm well on the road to recovery," he said softly as he nipped her bare skin.  "I fully expect for them to discharge me in a few hours."

"Did you strip me?" she laughed.

"You are one of the deepest sleepers I've ever known," he responded as his mouth latched onto one of her nipples, dragging a moan out of her.

"Kakashi... we're going to get caught," she moaned as his hand slipped between her legs, stroking her in a way that had her already wet and ready.

"I'll take full responsibility," he promised. 

Lee was lost when he covered her mouth with his own in a kiss that drove out any further protest.  He was really good at kissing, a natural, she decided.  He was on top of her and nudging her legs apart so he could settle between them.  "I love you, Lee," he groaned against her ear as he slowly started to edge inside her warmth.  She let out a gasp as he thrust fully inside her, his moan of pleasure giving her pleasure.

"God you feel so good," he moaned against her ear as he thrust in and out of her.

Lee leaned up and sucked on his neck, bringing another groan out of him.  She smiled against him, feeling the pressure inside her building.  "Mmmm, you taste good."

"Fuck," he groaned.  "You're going to have me busting too soon."

Lee chuckled then moaned as he hit her in a spot that sent tremors through her body and almost caused her eyes to roll back in her head.  "Damn, Kakashi, do that again."  He did as she asked and she was in ecstasy.  "Oh god...  Kakashi.... oh god..."

He moaned loud as she clinched around him tightly as she exploded.  He released with her, continuing to thrust until every last bit was poured out.  He breathed heavily against her ear.  "Thank you."

Lee laughed, "No, thank you."  She felt her face flush, "I can't believe we just did that in a hospital.  Someone could have walked in."

"They still could," he agreed.

"You're terrible," she laughed.  "Is your side okay?"

Kakashi grinned at her as he raised up to look down, "It hurts like hell but it was worth it."

Lee chuckled softly as she touched the side of his face.  She then glanced towards the door, "Alright, get off me goof before someone does catch us.  I would rather not be known as the woman who not only broke the sleep over rules but banged the patient while she was at it."

Kakashi laughed before moving off her, "And here I was thinking about going for round two.  You're no fun."

"I'm beginning to think that you want to get caught," she said with humor as she gathered her clothes back up and made a dash for the bathroom.

Kakashi had just pulled his pants back up when someone knocked on the door.  He grabbed his mask and put it on before they came into the room.  He pulled the sheet up to cover the evidence of their romping and gave his most innocent look as the medic came in.  Their eyes narrowed on him and he wondered if they had made enough noise to arouse their suspicions.

They walked to him and set their clipboard to the side.  "Good morning.  I believe that we can safely release you but let me look at your side one more time." Kakashi raised his arm as they pulled the bandage away and examined the wound.  "Hmm.  It looks good but it appears you pulled out a couple of stitches somehow."

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