Eros Pt 2

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Lee felt as if she was suddenly caught up in a tornado.  The way he was kissing her now was unrestrained, hot and heavy.  His hands were moving all over her body before he abruptly pulled back, breathing heavily.  "Not out here," he whispered.  "I don't want Phoenix to walk in on us."  Her eyes widened as he rolled off her then pulled her up easily, picking her up as he moved quickly towards her bedroom.

She giggled softly, "In a hurry?"

Kakashi chuckled as he shut the door behind them and locked it.  "I'm not taking a chance you'll change your mind."  He then was kissing her again as he backed her up to the bed.  His hands were quickly unbuttoning his shirt that he had yanked out of his pants.  She pulled back from the kiss as she yanked her shirt off and threw it across the room.  She then turned on the bedside lamp, casting soft light across the room.  She sucked in her breath as she turned back to him and looked at his now naked chest.

"Good Lord... you're incredible," she breathed out.

"I was about to say the same," he responded softly, his face a little red from her words as he looked down her almost naked body.

Lee stepped towards him as she noticed the multitude of scars on his torso.  She hesitantly touched the largest one and looked up at him.  "Kakashi... my god, you've been through some hell haven't you?"  She leaned forward and kissed the center of the large X across his chest.  "I'm sorry."  

She ran her lips along the scar and he sucked in his breath at the loving action.  She dropped her hand to the top of his pants as she kissed his chest, darting her tongue out against his skin and drawing a moan out of him.  She unbuckled his belt then unbuttoned the pants and pulled the zipper down.  She slowly kissed down to the v of his waist, her fingers hooked in the pants ready to pull them down.  His hands went framed either side of her face and he pulled her back up, crashing his lips down on hers hungrily even as he nudged her back onto the bed.

Kakashi was painfully aroused as he laid on top of her.  He was worried he was going to fumble up their first time together, especially since he had absolutely no experience.  Her skin beneath his hands was so soft and firm.  He slipped his hands under her back, unhooking her bra and pulled it off before pulling back to look at her.  Her breasts were a bit large on her small frame, with large coral nipples. He lowered his head and captured one between his lips, tasting her skin and flesh.  She gasped and moved restlessly beneath him.  He suckled on it for a long moment, wrapping his tongue around the nipple before moving to the other breast.

He slowly relinquished the nipple before trailing his lips down her stomach.  Her skin tasted good as he licked, sucked, and kissed his way down.  He noticed a scar just above her panty line.  Phoenix must have been a c-section, he smiled and pressed a kiss against the scar as he hooked her panties with his fingers and pulled them off.  She ran her fingers through his hair and let out a soft sound of pleasure.

Lee was shocked as he suddenly wrapped his arms around her thighs, gave her an almost devilish look before pressing his mouth into her core.  "Oh my god..." she cried out.  Not even her husband had ever done that before!  She pulled on his silky strands as it felt so good that it was almost too intense for her.  How did he know to do that?!  

Kakashi had to hold her hips still as she almost bucked him off and it drove him on.  Her taste was intoxicating and the sounds she was making brought him pleasure he had not expected.  Knowing she was getting pleasure from him was like a drug, pushing him on to bring her to that peak that he had read so much about in his books.

"Kakashi... oh my god...." she arched her back as her body jerked from the orgasm that rolled over her.   

He relinquished her thighs as he pushed his pants down, freeing his aching cock.  He was nervous as he slid up her body settling between her thighs.  He looked down at her as she wrapped her legs alongside his hips, opening herself for him.  She reached between them as she stared back into his eyes and wrapped her hand around his cock.  He hissed in a breath at the pleasure her touch sent through him.  Her eyes widened slightly as she felt him.  He was very large and she was the one nervous now.

"Kakashi... you're massive...." she whispered.

He groaned and laughed at the same time.  "I'm already nervous are you telling me I won't fit?"

Lee almost laughed at the words before maneuvering him towards her entrance.  He pressed the head slightly in and she released her hold on him.  She met his eyes once more.  "I'm ready," she whispered.  "Kiss me as you go in."

Kakashi slowly pressed forward, feeling as if he was going to die before he got inside of her.  He kissed her deeply as he slid inside her tight, wetness.  It was such an exquisite sensation he thought he was dying from the pleasure of it.  She shifted a little under him and he could feel fluid roll over him and he thrust fully inside her.  She gasped and he froze, trying hard to not release.

"Oh my god...." she whispered.  "That feels incredible."

He groaned then and started moving in and out of her as his body was telling him to do.  She was becoming wetter the more he moved in and out of her.  He kissed her again and again as he moved against her, the pleasure was so intense that he almost felt as if he got even larger inside of her as he thrust in and out.  He could not control the sounds coming out of his mouth anymore than she apparently could.  Her legs wrapped around his hips as she raised up to meet his thrusts which were becoming harder and faster.

"Fuck Lee... Fuck..." he groaned against her ear as he was almost beyond his control. "Fuck..."

Kakashi groaned hard as he felt her suddenly contracting beneath him and her body jerking.  Her tight, wet hold contracted hard around him as she cried out his name.  He thrust once more, deeply into her as his release suddenly rushed over him.  It felt as if he was pouring more than his seed into her, as if a part of himself went into her as well.  It was a connection that was deeper than physical and for a moment, he almost felt as if he was touching her soul.  He groaned her name again and again as he emptied himself.

His strength left him and he collapsed against her.  His breathing was uneven and he was shaken by how powerful the experience had been.  He closed his eyes tightly, knowing without a doubt that he loved her and would always love her.  He knew he was crushing her but he couldn't move if his life depended on it.  Her hands were running down his back as she kissed his neck again and again.

"Thank you," she whispered.

Kakashi slowly raised himself up to look down at her.  He was surprised to see tears in her eyes as she smiled up at him.  "Did I hurt you?"

Lee laughed softly, "No. I was a little nervous for a minute there but you were incredible."

He wiped at the tears on her cheeks, "Why are you crying then?"

"It was so beautiful," she said in awe.

Kakashi grinned down at her, his heart warmed by her words.  "I'm glad.  I was so worried I'd mess this up."

Lee leaned up and kissed him.  "You were perfect."

Kakashi narrowed his eyes on her as he smiled, "So how awkward is this going to be now?"

"Hmm..."  she pretended to ponder.  "I think I can live with any awkwardness that may come up." He laughed softly then gave her a long, lingering kiss.  Her eyes widened as she felt him becoming hard inside her again.  "Oh my... seriously?"

Kakashi chuckled, "Not my fault... you've unlocked a monster now." Lee laughed at the words then moaned as he started moving inside of her again.  "Hmmm... I think I'm going to like being friends with benefits," he whispered before kissing her hungrily again.

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