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Lee was intrigued by the village as they walked together.  Kakashi had one hand shoved in his pocket, the other he was holding a book.  He did like to read a lot.  She was curious as to what he was reading as she also liked to read.  Although, she had not read as much since Phoenix was born.  She peered over, trying to read the cover.  He shifted the cover as if trying to hid it from her.  She almost thought he was grinning under his mask.  She had half a mind to swipe it out of his hand.  His eyes narrowed slightly, "Don't even think about it."

Lee's mouth dropped open, "How did you..."

"You are not the first one curious about what I am reading," he responded in a bored tone.  

"That copy looks like it is barely held together," she responded.  "How many times have you read it?"

"Enough times that I almost have it memorized," he responded with a half-lidded smile.  

"Come on, you have to tell me what you're reading if you've read it that many times," she probed.

"I don't think you'd approve," was all he said.

"Bah," she responded.  "I'm not going to leave you alone until you let me see.  Come on, I love to read too.  Maybe I'd like it."

Kakashi raised a brow at her.  She was reminding him of Phoenix in the way she was looking up at him.  He almost believed that she would hound him until he let her see.  He finally chuckled, "Very well but don't say I didn't warn you."  His expression was a bit guarded as he handed the book over to her.

Lee flipped the cover over and stared at it.  The image on the front was of a guy chasing a girl, it made her laugh softly.  As she looked at the title which was in another language, the words shifted before her gaze and she was suddenly able to read it.  It was a bit startling.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, it was just strange.  It was in another language then suddenly it shifted into my language.  It just startled me for a moment," she chuckled before she looked at the title again.  "Hmm.  Make Out Tactics, huh?  Why Mr. Hatake, are you a romantic at heart?" She laughed as his cheeks turned pink above his mask and gave him a playful shove.  "That's priceless."

Lee flipped the book open to where he had been reading.  She could feel his eyes upon her as she read the page he had been on.  She felt her cheeks warm as she continued reading but refused to give him the satisfaction of being right.  She finally looked up at him and grinned.

"Ah... so your a bit of a pervert are you?"  He went red and she laughed hard before leaning towards him, "It's okay, so am I.  I might borrow this from you when you're done."

Kakashi then did start laughing and bumped her a little bit.  "Well then... I suppose I can't deny that request to a fellow pervert.  Keep it, I've got another copy at home."

Lee grinned up at him and held the book close to her chest.  "I'm excited to read it.  Maybe we could talk about it after I'm done?"

He looked like he was about to choke, "Talk about it?  Um, I... I... guess we could."

"Excellent!" she beamed.  She noticed not for the first time people staring at her with a somewhat disapproving look.  She glanced at him, "Um... Kakashi, why is everyone giving me that look?"

"You have Phoenix to blame for that," he responded with a weary tone.   "Her insistence of calling me Daddy started some rumors."

Lee looked at them, "Oh... no.... you mean they think.... you and me..."  She covered her mouth, trying hard not to laugh.  "Oh Kakashi... I'm so sorry but that's hilarious."

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