Pragma Pt. 3

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Kakashi was smiling as he lay silently in his bed.  His side was killing him, he was still running a fever, but he had his wife tucked in along his good side.  The medics had thrown a fit but he had given them his darkest look and they had backed off almost immediately.  Yamato had stood in as a witness after having sent for the local monk.  Lee had looked completely out of her element as she did everything the monk instructed her to do.  In a short period of time, the two of them were officially married.  This was not what he would call a nice honeymoon since he still could not get out of bed, but he was pleased to just lay with her next to him.

He tilted his head, watching her in her sleep.  She had fallen asleep rather quickly.  Despite what she had said, he seriously doubted that she had slept that well in the woods.  He still got mad when he thought about that.  The multitude of things that could have happened but she had been charmed and arrived without incident.  He winced as he moved a bit in the bed, his side killing him again.  He hated side wounds, they always seemed to hurt more than other wounds.

Kakashi fingered her soft curls that framed her face.  Her hair apparently had a little bit of a wave to it, which was noticeable now that it was growing out.  He realized that Phoenix's wavy hair must have come from Lee.  It made his heart warm as he thought about it.  He wondered if their child would have wavy hair too or if it would be spiky like his own.  He smiled thinking about that.  He had known the second that he saw Lee that she was pregnant.  He found it humorous that she had no idea.  The fullness of her face, the slight glow to her skin.

He was not about to tell her that's why he wanted to get married immediately.  He'd let her figure it out on her own.  He knew she was going to be a little freaked out when she did figure it out.  He remembered well that one of her fears was that Phoenix would not be loved as much.  He shook his head.  He loved Phoenix like she was his own.  If it had not been for Phoenix, he probably would have continued on alone in life.  She had hooked his heart first and then the more he had been with Lee, he had been hooked by her.  She completed him in ways that he had not realized he had been missing.

Kakashi knew that no one in the village would be shocked.  In fact, they probably would be relieved that they were now married and not living scandalously anymore.  Everyone already believed that Phoenix was his child as well without question.  It was almost like a comedy had been played upon them by the village instead.  He silently laughed as he thought about all the times the two of them had messed with the villagers, all the while they were falling in love with each other and making it a reality.

Only Naruto and the members of Team 7 would know the truth outside of themselves.  He wondered what Phoenix would think when they finally returned and told her.  He smiled as he thought about her.  She was such a ball of energy and fiercely intelligent.  When he was teaching her anything, she would be very focused on what he was telling her.  He had been surprised when Lee had told him what Hinata had seen with her Byakugan.  He did wonder about the voice, though.  Who was it that she was hearing?  The visions were obviously her Ninjutsu but the voice... She had heard it before coming to them.  There was something unusual with the girl all together because Lee had told him that they did not have those kinds of abilities in their world.  It was a puzzle and he would be turning it around in his mind for quite a while.

It had to be something with her father's people.  It was the only explanation because Lee had said that her family had not had any kind of peculiarities.  He was pondering this when the door opened and he pulled the sheet back up to cover his face as a medic came in.  They gave Lee a disapproving look which he countered with a narrowed eyed look.

"We need to change your dressing," the medic said quietly.

Kakashi carefully slipped his arm out from under her head and was a little surprised she did not stir from the action.  He reached over and grabbed his mask from the table and the medic looked away until he put it on.  They then turned back to him as he sat up.  He winced as they removed the bandage and he looked down at the jagged cut  that was stitched closed along his side.  It was still seeping a little but did not look as bad as it had earlier.

"It looks like it is finally starting to heal," the medic told him.

"How long until I will be up and able to go home?"

"A few more days and you should be travel ready," the medic responded.

Kakashi gave a nod and was silent as the medic rebandaged him up then left.  He carefully lowered back to the bed and slipped his arm under her head once more.  She gave a soft sigh but did not wake up.  He grinned, she was a deep sleeper.  He remembered the last time they had slept together she had not moved when he had left either.  She would not have made a good Shinobi with that habit.  He smiled again before closing his eyes with a yawn.

The next morning, Lee woke up with a start when she almost fell out of the narrow bed.  She caught herself before she went tumbling and it took her mind a moment to register where she was at again.  She was not a morning person in the least and she needed coffee in the worst sort of way that morning.  Her stomach was rolling and the smell of antiseptic was irritating her nostrils.  She glanced over at Kakashi and smiled despite how she was feeling.  He was asleep with his mask on.  She wondered when he had put it on as it had been off when they went to sleep.  She softly touched his forehead and was relieved to feel it was cool to the touch.  His fever had finally broken.

Thank God, she thought before rolling out of the bed and going to the bathroom.  She groaned softly as she relieved her bladder and fought the nausea. She needed to eat something.  She suspected she was feeling so sick because she had skipped dinner the night before and now she was paying for it.  She managed to hold her stomach in check as she finished up and washed her hands.  She quietly stepped back out and was surprised to see his eyes open.

"Good morning," she said softly.

"How are you feeling?" he asked with a slight smile.

"Okay, I think I need to eat something though.  My stomach is protesting skipping dinner last night," she answered.

Kakashi's eyes seemed to laugh above his mask, "Ah, I see."

"I'm going to run down to the cafeteria.  Do you want me to bring you something?"

"Hot tea would be nice," he responded.

"Okay, I'll be back in a little bit."

Kakashi was having a hard time keeping a straight face as she rubbed her stomach absently as she went out of the room.  He felt a lot better this morning now that he wasn't running a fever.  He still felt wiped out but nothing like what he had been feeling yesterday.  He wondered how long it would take Lee to figure out what was really going on with her.  She could be amazingly obtuse sometimes when other times she was razor sharp in her intelligence.  

Kakashi almost lost it when she came back with a container heaped with food.  About every kind of breakfast meat conceivable, a couple muffins, and... a pickle?  She was also holding his hot tea and a cup of coffee.  How she managed to do all three was beyond him but she did not even looked phased by it as she set it all down on the small table next to his bed.  She extended his tea to him  before taking a drink of the coffee and then eagerly looking at the food.  He covered his mask covered mouth as he watched her start eating the meat then alternate with the pickle.

She glanced over at him and raised her brows, "What?"

"I've never seen anyone eat a pickle with breakfast," he managed to say without laughing.

"It is kinda weird right?  But it looked so good and it is...."  She took another bite out of it.  "I was hungrier than I thought."

"You look like you got enough for three men," he responded with humor.

Lee laughed as she looked between the plate and him, "You have a point.  I'm just so damn hungry it all looked so good."  She nudged it towards him, "Help me eat this.  I don't know what I was thinking.  But don't touch my pickle."

Kakashi laughed, "I don't want your pickle."

"You would if you tasted it," she responded before taking a bite out of it.  "This is literally the best pickle I've ever had."

Kakashi laughed harder than she'd ever seen him laugh.  He was holding his stomach and even groaning a bit because of his side injury.  Lee grinned as she watched him, wondering what in the world was so funny.

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