A Father's Love

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Lee was a nervous wreck waiting for Kakashi to get back from his meeting with the mysterious voice.  Phoenix was asleep on her stomach next to her as she waited for him to return.  The little magpie refused to go to sleep unless Lee got into bed with her.  She absently stroked her daughter's soft hair.  She felt like she had brought so much calamity on Kakashi that it was making her sick.  He had definitely taken on more than he had bargained for by hooking up with her.  

She hoped that they would have the answers they needed to combat whoever was coming after Phoenix.  She just could not imagine why anyone would want to hurt an innocent child.  She didn't realize she was crying until Kakashi was suddenly in the room and wiping the tears from her eyes.  He sat next to her and framed her face with his hands.

"Don't worry, no one is going to hurt Phoenix," Kakashi told her softly.

She threw her arms around him and held him tight.  "I was so worried about you.  What did you learn?  Who is this person?"

Kakashi leaned back from her and looked into her eyes.  "It's Phoenix's grandmother, Moira.  Riley's mother.  She's been watching over her since she was born."

"But she didn't-"

"Those people weren't Riley's family," Kakashi told her softly.  "They were Riley's executioners.  He was murdered, Lee, by his own brother."

Lee closed her eyes, surprised at how hard the truth hit her.  "Why... how..."

"Riley was the heir to a kingdom in another world, Lee.  His younger brother wanted to rule and so he eliminated his own brother."

Lee opened her eyes,  "It's my fault Phoenix is in danger.  If I wouldn't have called them... They would never have known about her."

"Don't do that," Kakashi told her softly.  "You have no idea what might have happened.  Her grandmother has a telepathic link to Phoenix which she had shared with Riley.  She could have accidentally revealed her to him just as she accidentally led them to this world."

"Did he kill my mother?"

"No, only Riley," Kakashi assured her much to her relief.

"How powerful is he?" Lee asked softly.

"Very," Kakashi answered her honestly. "However, Riley's grandmother believes we can defeat him and his forces."  He shook his head, "She is a broken woman, Lee.  She knows that her son has to die for her granddaughter to live.  It is not easy to live with that... or the knowledge that you have helped destroy him."

"Why did she not ask to see me?"

"She's being tracked.  She knew I'd be able to get away and... They are most likely going to kill you if they find you as well."  Kakashi hated telling her that but he knew she needed to know just how much danger she was in as well.  "I have a plan to confront them. Moira thought it would work but you and Phoenix cannot be discovered prior to implementing it.  I've been seen now with her so they will be looking for me as well."

Lee stared at him, "What is your plan?"

"I'm going to have Yamato take you and Phoenix somewhere safe for the time being.  I've already sent for him.  I won't send for you until it is all over."

Lee grabbed the front of his shirt, "No, you're still recovering from your last fight..."

Kakashi took her hands in his and gave her an intense look.  "This is the life I chose, Lee.  Death is always a possibility for a Shinobi.  We know this when we take on this title.  However, this time, I'm fighting for my family.  No one will threaten my child or my wife without consequence.  I will destroy anyone that is a threat to them, regardless the cost."  His hand dropped to her stomach, "I love her as much as I will the child that is coming.  I would do no less for him."

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