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Lee woke up with a little drool coming out of the corner of her mouth.  She wiped at it, not having slept that deeply in a very long time.  She was so comfortable and warm that she almost went back to sleep.  That was until she realized she could hear a heartbeat beneath her ear.  Her eyes flared open.  It was still dark in the room but not dark enough that she could not tell she was sleeping cuddled up on someone.  She felt her face flush as she slowly looked up and saw silver hair in the faint moonlight.  Oh Lord.  His arms tightened around her when she moved and he shifted to his side and she found herself suddenly trapped between him and the couch.

"Kakashi," she whispered, poking him with her finger.  "Wake up."

She grunted as one of his legs slipped between hers and he tightened his grip on her.  She groaned inwardly.  He would be a super cuddler when he was sleeping.  She tried poking him again, a little sharper.

"Kakashi... wake up," she said again tilting her chin so she could breathe.  He was a solid mass of body and she could feel his muscles rippling beneath her fingers as she pushed against him.  His cologne smelled wonderful and she had a hard time not just cuddling closer to him on that smell alone.  She was enjoying this too much and he had to wake up before they both were embarrassed.  "Kakashi..."

"Hmm," he said.

"You need to wake up," she whispered.

"Why?" he asked.

"What do you mean why?" she laughed softly.  "We are definitely pushing the boundaries of friendship here."

He gave a soft hmmm sound as he snuggled closer with her.  "Can't you pretend we aren't just friends for tonight, Lee.  Tell me this doesn't feel amazing.  Why can't friends do this too?"

Lee chuckled softly, "Yes it does feel amazing, I'll admit that."

"Go back to sleep," he whispered.

Lee felt like laughing.  He knew he was being a brat but was so comfortable he didn't want to go anywhere.  She had to admit it was really nice.  She had forgotten how nice it was to be held by a man and she was so comfortable with Kakashi, it didn't feel wrong or bad at all.  She grinned as she tilted her head up towards him.  His eyes were partly cracked open as he looked down at her, waiting to see what she was going to do.

"Okay, you win this time," she finally whispered with a chuckle before wrapping one of her arms around his waist and snuggling in.  "But don't get mad at me if it's awkward later."

Lee was starting to realize that Kakashi had not experienced a lot of relational things in his life.  She had the distinct impression he had never cuddled anyone in his life.  Not family, friend, or girlfriend.  Had he even ever had a girlfriend?  Had he ever even kissed anyone?  She was wondering and it would explain why he was almost starved in the way he was holding onto her right now.  It made her heart softer towards him.  What would that be like to never know human connection like that?

"Kakashi..." she whispered, unsure if he was still awake or not.

"Hmm?" he responded.

"Have you ever... you know... been in a relationship?"

He was silent for a long time and she wondered if he had fallen back asleep. "No."

She hugged him a little tighter, feeling bad about that.  How could no one have ever loved him?  He was one of the funniest and gentle men she had ever known in her life.  "Kakashi..."


"Have you ever kissed anyone?"

Kakashi shifted a little, his hand rubbing her back a little in an almost nervous type of action.  She peered up at him again and he was staring at her.  "No.  Why are you asking me these questions now?"

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