6 - Trading Roles

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6 - Trading Roles

Sitting too comfortably in a black leather chair considering the fact that he'd been there for ten hours, Calum was consumed with a large workload.

His life had always been full of hard work. He wasn't born into a rich family, so he had to make sure he climbed to the top based on effort and determination.

When people saw and heard of the notorious business man named Calum Hood they only saw the dangerous, determined man that held power and influence.

His business wasn't illegal. It was a completely innocent and legal company that dealt with oversea shipments of technology to sell to U.S. large scale corporations.

Within his actual business by itself, it was all innocent and clean money. But Calum wasn't an innocent man and everyone in the city of Chicago was too aware of that.

Calum remained successful in his business for a reason. He wasn't afraid to take more...extreme measures to make sure he stayed successful and in charge.

If you didn't cooperate with him and instead tried to take him down then it wouldn't be such a surprise that you'd go missing and never be seen again.

Calum had men in his pocket that were able to take down the people he needed to be stopped, playing as a large and unstoppable force in the city.

So the moral of the story is that Calum is a fair man. But he's perfectly able to resolve to more dangerous matters if the tables turn as so.

His personal phone starting to vibrate next to his left hand interrupted him from his work, making him glance over with a small smile when he saw that it was Michael who was calling.

"Kitty." He answered simply, placing the phone up to his ear.

"Hi, master." Michael giggled into the phone, "I miss you."

"And how much I miss you as well my beauty."

Calum didn't have the words to summarize Michael.

The pretty male changed his life upside down and for the best. He was alone before Michael; his business was all he had for himself.

Once his sister died due to bad health she's always carried as a child, Calum didn't have any motivation to get close to another person.

All of his time and affection fell onto his sister because he knew that their time was limited. When she eventually did die it made Calum realize that she was the only one he had.

But not now because he had Michael.

Michael was the one who pulled him out of his depression. He was the one who made him feel loved and appreciated again. His kitty was the one who he could always rely on.

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