9 - His Light

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9 - His Light

"Are you sure that I look okay? I'm still iffy about this dress. It's not short enough for my liking." Michael worriedly said for about the hundredth time of the night once Calum started gathering all of his belongings.

"You my beautiful baby..." Calum said with a small smile, walking towards the other in order to grab Michael's hands into his own, "are hands down the most gorgeous bitch that's going to be in there tonight."

"Only tonight?" Michael whined playfully with a large pout.

"You know what I mean." Calum laughed affectionally, leaving down to place his lips onto Michael's. Well he tried to.

Michael quickly moved away with another pout, "I can't let you mess up my lipstick. Even if it is matte I don't want to take any chances."

"You're so excited for tonight." Calum grinned before he referenced for the other to follow him out of the front door.

"I haven't been able to dress up like this in a while is all."

Calum was wearing an all black suit alongside a dark red tie that Michael had picked out for him in order to match his dark red, velvet dress.

Michael's tight dress, his black heels, and his lightly done makeup—being red lips, mascara, and eyeliner—screamed seduction.

Calum was already enjoying the night and it hadn't even started yet all because of the sight he was given.

"You're always able to dress up like this if you want. I definitely don't mind. You're gorgeous."

Michael laughed cutely and then teasingly bumped into Calum's shoulder with his own as they walked down the small path from the house to one of Calum's many cars.

Michael wanted everything to match tonight, so he demanded that the red Lamborghini was going to be put into use. And of course with Calum's constant need to get Michael anything he wanted, the car was parked in front of them and ready for the night.

Calum easily opened the passenger side's door open for Michael, helping the paler male inside of the expensive car. It didn't take that long for him to get situated, resulting in Calum softly closing the door and rounding the vehicle to allow himself into the driver's seat.

"We haven't used this one in a while." Michael hummed while he let his freshly manicured nails run across the leather console next to him.

Calum shook his head amused while he watched the other. Michael was a money slut and Calum had always known that. It was entertaining to watch the effects money had over Michael.

"What?" Michael asked with a raised eyebrow, looking up at the grinning man.

"I don't know what you love more, kitty. Me or my money."

Michael smirked teasingly at the man once he heard this from Calum, deciding to play along with him.

"Don't ask questions you're not prepared to hear the answer to, master."

Calum rolled his eyes, but his smile was still there none-the-less. Their relationship had always been full of banter. Both were used to it. It was simply how they expressed their true love for one another.

It was a matter of no time until the two were on the roads, speeding way past the speed limit because Calum simply didn't care about them.

He liked driving fast. He was a man who liked the things in his life to run quickly. Calum didn't have much patience and he expected things to come to light as soon as possible.

He also didn't have the time to wait for what he wanted or for what he needed. He always got what he wanted.

That's how Michael was his lover. He worked hard to gain the beauty's respect and love. With constant moves of romance and flaunting of money, Calum made sure that the other was impressed by him when they had met.

It didn't take long for Michael to fall in love with Calum. It took even a shorter amount of time for Calum to fall in love with Michael.

"You're so hot when you're driving."

Calum chuckled when he heard this from his side, keeping his eyes on the darkened roads.

"You think I'm hot when I do something as simple and little as breathing."

"You've got a point."

The two hit a red light, resulting in Calum stopping the car and looking sideways at his partner. He was in awe when he saw Michael's pale thighs basically glowing against the bright red light.

Michael was his sunshine—his light—and he always would be. The man saved him. Calum would never be able to put into words how much he loved the other.

He wasn't good with his words. But for Michael he'd always try.

"God...I love you."

Michael looked over when he heard this, seeing the sincerity in the pair of brown eyes.

He grinned affectionately, moving in closer in order to press his hand against Calum's cheek to peer more into the dark pair of eyes.

"I love you." Michael said quietly against Calum's lips.

Michael wasn't afraid to profess his love for Calum as loud as he could to the world. But in that moment, it only felt right to keep it to themselves.

Even if they were alone in Calum's car and far away from anybody else, their love for each other was too precious to allow anyone else to witness.

Calum smiled and leaned in even more, connecting his lips with Michael's.

He knew the light was green by then. The impatient and honking cars behind him told him so.

But he didn't care because he was with Michael, kissing him with all the love he held for the other.

As long as Calum had Michael by his side, everything would be okay.


A little filler chapter before the event begins! I hope the cute malum content was good enough!! 💜


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