21 - A Prize

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21 - A Prize

Being next to Calum's side wasn't where Michael wanted to be at the moment. But there he was in the middle of some alleyway where Calum ordered Luke to take him to.

They were quickly filled in when they got there, being informed that Ashton was going to meet with them to sort out whatever agreement Calum had came up with.

What agreement? Michael wouldn't know. Why and how would he know? It's not like Calum spoke to him anymore about what was going on around them.

Michael knew exactly why Calum didn't tell him or Luke as to why they were meeting up with Ashton. Calum didn't want Michael dressing up for the meeting. He no longer accepted Michael for who he was and for how he acted. Calum was slowly trying to change him and to keep Ashton away.

The gangster soon made his appearance, walking down to meet up with the three who were awaiting for him.

"Three minutes late." Calum stated.

"Better than thirty-four. Isn't it?" Ashton smirked when he saw Calum glare at him before turning his attention on Luke, "Changing sides left and right. How does someone end up being so disloyal?"

"My loyalty stands with Michael. Not with you nor Calum."

Ashton gave him a disinterested look before scanning over Michael's different appearance. He wasn't dressed over the top with any diamond rings, necklaces, earrings, nor bracelets. He was only in a pair of skinny jeans and an oversized, light purple pullover.

But Ashton couldn't seem to dislike it. Even when standing in front of three suit dressed men, Michael was still the most beautiful in everyday wear.

"Hello, beautiful one."

"Hi, Ashton." Michael huffed.

He was annoyed at the slightest of things now due to Calum's attitude.

"I was called upon for some deal?" He asked Calum, getting into business mode once he finished his small greetings.

"I have one million ready for you as soon as you agree on one condition."

Michael's eyes widened when he heard Calum state his proposition. Calum was rich, and having and giving away that amount of money wasn't—in theory—such a crazy thing.

But Calum was harsh and he didn't just give away his money. He donated to charities and gave away to those of the less fortunate, but he never did money deals like this with guilty men.

"The condition being?"

"You forget you ever laid your eyes on Michael. You forget that you ever met him and decided to try to take him away as yours. You leave him alone and never make your appearance to him again. You can stay in the city as long as it's away from him."

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