7 - Get Ready For A War

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7 - Get Ready For A War

Michael always was an usual sassy brat. But he especially was when he was hung over.

Having a mini bar at home was usually a great thing for the couple, but not when Michael woke up the next day after having a random drinking night with Calum and then feeling like complete shit.

"You gonna be okay, kitty?" Calum's concerned voice asked, making Michael dramatically groan and turn over on the bed to look at the now professionally dressed Calum peering down at him.

"I'll be fine, babe." He said groggily, "It hasn't been my first hung over rodeo."

"So strong." Calum chuckled and ran his fingers softly through Michael's head.

"Have a good day." Michael smiled up at him, grabbing Calum's hand away from his hair to instead place a kiss onto it.

"Call me if you need anything. Have a good day, kitty."

"Thanks, Cal."

"Also there's breakfast and juice downstairs for you if you're up to it." Calum grinned and placed a longing kiss on Michael's forehead before leaving the room.

Michael took another ten minutes just to lounge away and to fully wake up before he tiredly got up and headed into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

He didn't feel that much need to look completely cute today, so he only stuck to his usual 'at home' outfits being one of Calum's shirts, satin shorts, and this time sunglasses due to him having a headache and wanting to avoid sunlight.

He went into the kitchen and indeed saw breakfast and juice like Calum had promised, making Michael's heart burst. Calum always spoiled him to heart's content from the smallest to the biggest of things.

"You're fucking kidding me." He muttered out when he heard the doorbell ring.

Fortunately for him, there was an intercom button in the kitchen, so he pressed it and said, "Whoever the fuck it is leave. If it's Calum who forgot his keys and forgot something—preferably a good morning fuck—then and only then ring again."

A second later there was another ring of the doorbell, making Michael huff. Going to the front door, he swung the door open expecting to see Calum standing there.

"What...the fuck?"

His black Gucci sunglasses whose frame was full of diamonds hid his widened eyes, but Michael didn't know what to do when he saw Luke and Ashton standing there with small grins.

"Hey, kitty." Luke grinned even wider when he gave his hello and kept his eyes locked on his beautiful pale thighs.

"What is...this?" He asked confused not understanding why Luke—who he hasn't seen in three weeks now—and Ashton—who he barely met once at the bar—were standing outside of his front door.

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