27 - I Fell in Love

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27 - I Fell in Love

Things were changing. People were evolving. Emotions were getting stronger.

Confusion was the strongest emotion clouding the minds of Michael, Luke, and Calum. They didn't know how to feel about each other and they didn't know who attacked them in the alleyway.

Ashton was the only one who was sure about his feelings, since he was a man of confident power. He had no reason to be ashamed of his feelings. He wanted the other three and nothing would stop him from getting what he wanted.

But he was also smart and patient. He knew that he had to take small steps towards his goal in order to eventually win.

Today was step one.

Leaning against his car, he grinned darkly when he saw a familiar blonde coming his way with an unimpressed and impatient stare.

"Get in the car and drive away. If Calum sees me with you he'll lose his shit." Luke said as his hello, getting into the passenger seat with no other comment being said.

Ashton listened to what the other said, getting into the driver's seat and driving away from the front of Calum's mansion in order to have a more private conversation with the man who was now in his company.

"What's the plan?" Luke asked.

"The plan?"

"Yes, the plan. There has to be something going on for you to invite me to speak with you."

"What if I said that I just wanted to see you?"

"Then I'd call bullshit." Luke crossed his arms unamused while he looked out the window as Ashton drove down the neighborhood full of expensive mansions and cars.

Luke hasn't been as fortunate as those around him when it came to money. He wasn't poor, but he was nowhere near rich. He would take random, illegal jobs when they came around and he survived off that.

The richness of Ashton, Calum, and Michael fascinated Luke in an unknown way. The three littered themselves with money by their purchases and appearances.

Luke knew how to get by with a suit here and there, but he couldn't just spring out a diamond necklace like Michael would. Or come out of a Lamborghini like Calum would. Or pay off his $10,000 debt like it was nothing like Ashton would...well did.

The fact that Ashton paid that amount off for him was insane in Luke's world. It impressed him, but it also made him nervous. That meant he owed the gangster.

"I don't like being in debt." Luke suddenly said while still looking out the window, "So tell me what you want."

"And what are you talking about now?"

"You paid off my $10,000. You're obviously going to expect something in return. Tell me what it is so I can get it for you and call it even."

"My dear Luke, I already told you that I paid it off because I wanted to. I don't expect anything in return."

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