11 - You're Mine and Only Mine

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11 - You're Mine and Only Mine

"Who do you belong to?"

"You master! You!" Michael whined out in pain, pulling at the ropes that were digging into his skin, drawing blood that were seeping into the sheets of the bed.

"Damn right." Calum snarled into Michael's face, "The fact that we even have to go over this still is fucking beyond me."

"I-I'm sorry! Ashton doesn't mean anything to me."

"Really now?"

"Yes." Michael sobbed out with desperation overtaking his once bright green eyes.

"You see, baby...The thing is, is that I don't fucking believe you."

Calum smirked when he saw Michael sharply close his eyes in reaction to him pressing a finger into him. Michael had been teased all night by not being touched. But now...finally he was getting something.

"Why wouldn't you tell me about him?" Calum asked too calmly, especially compared to how he pressed in another finger.

"He doesn't mean anything to me!" Michael whined out once Calum stopped moving his fingers once they were pressed against Michael's spot, left to only tease him.

"I still don't believe you." Calum glared down at the crying one who continued to sob out from the fingers' teasing touches, trying to push his hips down onto them. But of course Calum didn't allow him to.

"It's my game, master. I'm a whore." Michael whined when when Calum removed his fingers, "Please. Please!"

"No." Calum growled out, glaring down at the male even more. He gripped onto Michael's soft blonde hair, pulling on the surface and forcing the pretty, whining male to look up at him.

Calum grinned mischievously when he saw the teary green eyes, loving that he's caused such a reaction from his lover.

"I'm sorry." Michael whined out once Calum didn't say anything, "He-He doesn't mean anything to me. I swear, master. I swear!"

"Who the fuck is he then?" Calum's glare heightened even more while he continued to gaze down at the beauty, wanting to know who the other sudden man was.

He's already proven it countless times, but Calum was a wildly possessive man. He didn't share what was his because he's fought for everything he's received in life, especially when it came to Michael.

Emotions and feelings weren't Calum's specialty, but Michael brought another side out of him. Various of emotions flooded over the once cold-hearted man when he fell in love with the blonde beauty.

But then—in the moment—all Calum could feel was dark possessiveness take over with the thoughts of his beloved baby.

"H-He's no one!" Michael sobbed out when Calum more harshly pulled on his hair, disliking the answer.

"He's caught Luke's attention, even when his eyes have always been only on you. And this man suddenly wants you for himself? He's someone, kitten, and I don't fucking appreciate you lying to me about it."

"I don't love him, Cal! I swear."

"Oh, you don't?" Calum hummed out sarcastically, but Michael still responded.

"I don't!"

Michael knew what was happening; he's seen this from the other countless of times. Calum would randomly get strung up in his dangerous possession, leaving Michael to take what it resulted in.

But even when he was crying and sobbing out in pain and desperation, Michael absolutely loved it.

He loved how mad Calum would get over him; he loved how he would do anything to keep Michael as his. Plus, pleasure was always sure to follow the already enjoyable pain.

"If you don't love him why would you not tell me about some man wanting you to himself? I would have taken care of him as soon as I heard the words come out of your pretty pink lips."

Calum quickly leaned down, connecting their lips into a fast kiss that was full of whines from Michael. God...he really did love this.

"I don't know! He...He was interesting."

Michael's eyes widened when he felt Calum's hand wrap around his throat. Calum—obviously—didn't squeeze too hard, but it was just enough for Michael to realize he shouldn't have said that about Ashton.

"He's interesting?" Calum asked calmly. Too calmly.

Michale didn't answer. He only laid there hopelessly, staring up at Calum with desperation flooding his green eyes.

He could see the desire and love behind Calum's angered eyes, only making Michael want him even more. Truly this was all just foreplay for the devious power-couple.

"Not as interesting as you, master."

Calum grinned down at the man, obviously enjoying the answer he received.

"You're mine and only mine. Do you understand?"

"Yes, master. I wouldn't want it any other way. I love being your slut." Michael smirked up at his lover, perfectly knowing what to say and how to say it in order to get what he wanted from Calum.

Calum quickly let go of Michael's neck, instead gripping onto his thighs in order to spread his legs open. He quickly moved in, pushing inside Michael and instantly moaning at the feeling.

There was nothing quite like Michael, and Calum was forever thankful that the beauty was his.

"Master!" Michael yelled out, yanking on the ropes that were still tying him down. He was forever at Calum's mercy, even when he wasn't trapped in the blistering ropes.

Michael was on the verge of breaking. He'd been bruised, teased, and humiliated ever since they got home. And now he was finally getting what he wanted. What he needed.

"Please." He groaned out when Calum only slowly thrusted into him, going at a way too slow of a pace for Michael's liking, "Please, master."

"What more could you possibly want, slut?"

"I just want you." Michael sobbed out when Calum suddenly laid a harsh thrust into him, but then continued to move slowly once again.

"You already have me." Calum basically purred out, forcing Michael to look up into the brown eyes that now only held love.

God...Michael loved Calum. Sometimes he loved him too much to where it hurt.

Because even when he was mad and obsessed with his power, Calum still loved and took care of Michael with no extent. Even though he loved hurting Michael and making him cry in desperation, Calum still preferred to love him more.

"I love you. Only you." Michael whined out, stuck in a trance of Calum's eyes.

"I love you too, kitten."

And once the love was mentioned and acknowledged, Michael was perfectly okay with the slow pace for the rest of the night.


Here's some random shitty smut after not updating in over a month. 😵‍💫

Malum though. 🥺


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