30 - Love

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30 - Love

Watching Calum in silence, Michael was stuck in his thoughts. They were in the businessman's office where Calum was busy with work while Michael was keeping him some innocent company.

Now that Calum knew he couldn't trust Luke, Michael had to be with him at all times. But it's not like Calum minded.

But unfortunately for him, Michael was using their constant time together to his advantage by analyzing him. He was trying to figure out all of the emotions Calum was possibly feeling.

Because when the both of them last met with Luke and Ashton, Michael saw how Calum was affected. He saw exactly what Ashton's sly words did to his partner and he saw Calum's reaction to the conversation about Luke as a lover.

Michael was a smart man who noticed the smallest of things.

He hadn't mentioned anything to the brunette because he didn't know how to bring it up. Plus Michael was too personally aware of how it felt to be affected by Luke and Ashton.

But things were different now. Because even if Calum wouldn't admit it, Michael knew that Calum had feelings for the other two men as well.

And now Ashton had feelings for Luke and Calum. Luke obviously had feelings for Ashton in return, but did he love Calum? That's the one answer Michael didn't have.

He missed his talks with Luke. The blonde was the most humble and honest person Michael has met. He misses the other and his listening ears.

But if Calum couldn't keep it together then Michael was going to have to step up and take charge.

"Give me that." He finally ordered, getting up from the couch in the middle of the room and gliding up to Calum's desk.

He leaned against the side and held out his hand expectantly, waiting for Calum to give him his phone where he was obviously having trouble with communicating.

The brunette was still desperate for answers, but he wasn't getting any. With a sigh, Calum passed the phone to Michael.

"Maria, baby, do you remember me?" Michael basically purred out into the phone, smirking towards Calum.

"Of course I do, darling." The woman instantly answered once she heard the attractive voice. It was the same woman from the night Luke broke from the jealousy and officially started a domino effect amongst the men.

"Can you be a doll and tell my master what he needs to know? I'd really appreciate it if you did, miss."

"I'll tell him what he needs to know on one condition."



"Me?" Michael laughed out in a flirty, seductive way. He could of seen that coming.

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