16 - Help Me

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16 - Help Me

Opening the heavy and rusted door to his room full of weapons and blood, Calum walked calmly in with violent eyes being set onto a certain blonde haired man.

"Fuck you!" Luke growled out annoyed as soon as the brunette came into the room. He pulled on the chains that were keeping him in the wooden chair, which was in the middle of the dark room.

He knew exactly what this room was and what it was for. Luke had been in there many times, but on the other side. Countless lives of enemies who made no effort to participate with Calum have been taken in there.

"Do you know why you're here?"

Luke didn't answer. He only glared at his ex-boss in anger.

"You're here because of your alliance with Ashton against Michael and I."

"I'm not against you and Michael. I'm against your love."

"Explain to me why. I considered you my friend before you turned your back to us in hopes of benefiting with Ashton. But to the looks of it you've gotten no where with that pathetic man."

Luke scowled from what Calum was saying because he was right. Being on Ashton's side hasn't gotten him anywhere.

He was promised equal opportunity for the battle of the beauty's heart. But Ashton constantly dismissed him. He was starting to see more clearly about the way everything around him was working. 

Calum would never share Michael, but neither would Ashton. The only difference between them is that Ashton would falsely lie about his inability to share while Calum provides a clear truth.

For that, Luke will respect Calum more than Ashton.

"I love him."

Calum paused from the short, but honest remark from Luke. The blonde wasn't lying and it was obvious.

Calum couldn't help but to feel bad for the other. Ultimately Luke was his friend and he was stopping him from being happy.

But Calum loved Michael and Michael loved Calum.

"You lust for him. There is a large difference." He tried to convince Luke otherwise.

"I don't and you know it. He knows it too."

"What do you possibly want me to do about that? I'm not going to just step aside from the love of my life to give you a chance to win his heart."

"I'm not saying that or asking you to."

"Then what are you asking me to do?"

"I...I don't know!" Luke growled out in annoyance and confusion.

This whole game didn't make sense to him. He entered as a key player because Ashton offered him Michael's heart. But now that he was on his own, he had no idea what to do or how to win over Michael.

It would make no sense to ask Calum to step away. The brunette would never do it. Plus Michael loved Calum; he'd never let Calum step away from him.

"You've been here for three days. Ashton hasn't been looking for you."

"I know." Luke glared down at the ground.


"Because him and I are over. He only cares about himself and power. I bet that he doesn't even want to take Michael to love him. He only wants kitty to prove he's the alpha male and that he can get whatever he wants."

"Thats why he's not going to get kitty. And that's why you're going to help me."

"Oh I'm going to help you?" Luke laughed out sarcastically, looking up at the brunette.

"You will in order to keep him safe."

"You're more than capable of keeping him safe. He doesn't want me and you don't want me either. I'm alone and I've accepted that."

"Have you now?"


"Even if I offered you a place back in my house to keep your eyes on kitty? To always be with him and to do everything in your power to take care of him for me when I can't?"

Luke went silent from the offer, making Calum grin knowingly. Luke tried to pretend that he was strong and had the ability to turn away from them with a snap of his fingers. But the truth was, was that he would always love Michael and he would always stick by Calum's side.

"Ashton won't hurt him."

"But he will take him and force him into his arms. Do you really want kitty to be unhappy?"


"That's what I thought. Do you want to know why I believe in you so much to make the right decisions?"


"Because you're a good man. You're a business man like me and a gangster like Ashton. But you're also a bright soul like Michael. You care about those around you and you're always willing to pay the price to help."

Luke didn't know how to respond to the fact that Calum was suddenly being nice to him and was stating all of these positive things about him.

"I've always admired your relationship with Michael. He enjoys having you around and you obviously enjoy being in his company. Even if things don't work out between you two, you'll both always care about each other."

"You out of all people know the effect that Michael leaves onto people."

"That I do."

"You'll never understand what it's like, Calum..."

Calum couldn't help but to pause when he heard this from Luke, hearing the pain. And he could see it well within the other.

Luke tried to push back all the pain and sorrow he felt with his cheeky persona. He tried to act like he wasn't hurting on the inside and that everything was a funny joke.

But he was breaking. It was becoming too much and Luke's pain was starting to seep out from the cracks of his heart as it continued to break into small pieces.

"I'm sorry."

Luke looked up at the man.

"I know that it's hard for you to love him when you know he loves me instead. I don't want to hurt you. But I love him."

"I know." Luke said lowly.

"So are you going to help me, or what?" Calum asked, trying to stray away from their sudden emotional moment.

Luke became silent again, thinking everything over. He finally nodded lightly.

"I'll help you."


Hmmm. A little cake moment never hurt anyone. 😚


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